WotC Announces Time Spiral Remastered Launch Party On Spelltable

Remote tabletop MTG app, Spelltable, to host remote Launch Party for Time Spiral Remastered

Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has announced they will be hosting a launch party for Time Spiral Remastered on the remote tabletop Magic app — Spelltable.

The Time Spiral Remastered Launch Party will begin on the set’s release day, March 19, and continue into March 20. The event will be run remotely via Discord and Spelltable, in conjunction with Channel Fireball and local game stores, where players will need to purchase their Time Spiral Remastered booster packs.

On the day of the event, players looking to participate will need to join the event’s Discord server, login to Spelltable, and then simply select the Time Spiral Remastered Launch Party option.

The main format for the event will be traditional Sealed, however Two-Headed Giant, MTG Trivia, and Pack 1, Pick 1 discussion, will also be available. There is no entry fee to play (aside from purchasing your booster packs), no round structure, and no prizes — just a casual environment to enjoy the launch of Time Spiral Remastered.

Prior to the event, participants should also familiarize themselves with the setup and requirements for playing remote tabletop Magic. A helpful guide for setting up Spelltable and your webcam can be found here.

Read the original article from Wizards of the Coast.