
Ultimatum Cycle Completed With Unveiling Of Genesis Ultimatum

Check out the complete cycle of Ultimatums!

Earlier this week, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) and Editor-in-Chief of DailyMTG.com Blake Rasmussen unveiled Emergent Ultimatum, a seven-mana color-intensive sorcery that gives its controller a whole lot if they’re able to meet the mana cost. This marked the return of one of Magic’s most beloved cycles and today, all five Ultimatums have been revealed.

Lets check each of them out!

“Part Gifts Ungiven, part Mind’s Desire, part Demonic Tutor, Emergent Ultimatum, like those powerful predecessors, isn’t the endgame in and of itself—but it might as well be.” explained Rasmussen in his article about the exciting Sultai sorcery on Daily MTG.

The ultimate recursion spell, Eerie Ultimatum rewards its controller for not only filling their graveyard but for diversifying their threats within it. A for sure Limited bomb, Eerie Ultimatum is an interesting constructed build around for Abzan fans of all shapes and sizes.

In Ikoria, Temur likes grandiose effects and nothing exemplifies that more than Genesis Ultimatum. Knowing that you’re going to be getting the top five cards in some fashion is comforting, but the upside of Genesis Ultimatum is massive depending on what those five cards are. For fans of incredibly powerful but expensive permanents, this is the Ultimatum for you.

The spikiest of the bunch, Inspired Ultimatum has gotten the attention of Cruel Ultimatum fans worldwide. While not quite as powerful as the beloved Grixis sorcery, Jeskai’s version is no slouch, giving its controller five life, five damage to any target, and five new cards to work with. Expect to see this one at the top SCG Tour tables for many years to come.

Commander fans rejoice, as we have found your Ultimatum. Ruinous Ultimatum may have a Best of SCG Tour highlight reel moment, but expect to see this seven-mana Mardu sorcery blowing out Command Zones everywhere with regularity very soon.