
Good Morning Magic Answers Obscure MTG Questions

Gavin Verhey tackles the most obscure MTG questions on Good Morning Magic.

Gifts Ungiven, illustrated by D. Alexander Gregory

Gavin Verhey answers your most obscure MTG questions in today’s episode of Good Morning Magic.

Verhey posted a tweet on Monday asking for Magic players’ most obscure questions that needed answered and delivered on those today.

The questions ranged from incredibly specific (what artifacts are stored in the caverns of Trovash?) to broad templating inquiries and everything in between. Verhey covers what Kamigawa card he’d like to design, the potential returns of old border cards and real-world flavor text, and what card is the most on-color card of its color.

Word of Command Circle of Protection: White GIfts Ungiven Elkin Lair Gaea's Liege

Verhey wrapped the episode by saying Friday’s Good Morning Magic will be another one dedicated to obscure questions.