Dan Frazier Returns To Magic Art With Two Secret Lair Drops

One of Magic’s original artists is back with his own take on the Ravnica block Signets.

Mox Sapphire illustrated by Dan Frazier

Dan Frazier, who illustrated the original Moxen from Alpha, is making his first return to Magic art since his last pieces showed up in Time Spiral with two Secret Lair drops in the All-Natural, Totally Refreshing Superdrop slated for release on June 21.

Frazier is one of the most storied names in Magic art. He is not only responsible for the original Moxen, but also cards like Berserk, Mahamoti Djinn, Jester’s Cap, Enlightened Tutor, and Mox Diamond. He’s now making his return with two corresponding Secret Lair drops under the title Dan Frazier Is Back. The first is the allied-color Signets from the original Ravnica block and the second is the enemy-color Signets.

The art on all the Signets show what the guild symbols would look like if they were created at the start of the game. Both drops come in foil etched or nonfoil editions and all cards use the retro-frame for the powerful artifacts.

Dan Frazier Is Back: The Allied Signets

Dan Frazier Is Back: The Enemy Signets

The nonfoil sets are priced at $29.99 each and the foil etched versions are $39.99 each. Each drop can be purchased separately or as part of the Superdrop. Check out the Secret Lair website for pricing and ordering information on all the drops.