Commander Rules Committee (RC) Founder, Sheldon Menery, has announced that the cards from Secret Lair X The Walking Dead will not be banned in Commander.
In reviewing these cards, the Commander RC was able to identify three main issues which made up a majority of the argument in favor of a ban:
- The availability of these cards is problematic
- The existence of non-Magic IPs on cards should be discouraged
- Negan is a dubious character
After reviewing these points however, it was decided that while potentially problematic, the cards do not meet any of the traditional criteria for bans listed within the Commander Philosophy Document, as they present “…no mechanical difficulties, and taken simply as cards, don’t come close to fitting any criteria we have for banning…”.
Despite this decision, the Commander RC intends to continue monitoring the health of the format and swiftly deal with any glaring problems stemming from the Secret Lair X The Walking Dead Drop should they arise.
Menery is also confident that the concerns of the community did not go unrecognized by Wizards of the Coast and after an open dialogue, their conversation “has had influence and they clearly understand the concerns.”
Read the original article by Commander RC.