The eighth installment of the Murders at Karlov Manor story begins with Kaya welcoming various Guild representatives to their secret gathering at the Vitu-Ghazi. One after another, Ravnica’s elite arrive until the room is packed full.

With everyone gathered, Proft begins his breakdown of the situation. As he speaks, Etrata emerges from the shadows, garnering much attention from both Ezrim and Lavinia. Proft quickly explains that she’s not responsible for any of the murders, and that since she is innocent, there’s to be no punishment for breaking her out. Ezrim and Lavinia begrudgingly agree, and Proft continues his presentation.
Before he can move forward, Proft requests to speak individually with each person there, beginning with Kaya. With everyone in agreement, the pair head to a private room. Once alone inside, the two sit in uncomfortable silence for what feels like an eternity. Kaya finally asks him what’s going on, to which Proft replies “waiting,” and as if on command, a “white, wormlike root, uncurling from the pattern in the wallpaper, spiraling into a thicker base” grows from the wall. Reacting quickly, Proft jumps up and grabs it, and Kaya cuts the flower free, dropping it into Proft’s waiting evidence jar. He then thanks Kaya for her help and assisting him in avenging her friend.

Kaya and Proft make their way back to the group, and Proft presents the evidence jar. He explains that this flower is what has been producing the mind-controlling powder, and being that it isn’t native to Ravnica (confirmed by Izoni), but it is organic and the only Guild capable of cultivating something like that is the Selesnya. He goes on to explain that the Conclave has access to all the roots running throughout the plane, and a flower can grow, bloom, and produce the toxin before withering away without a trace. They could make it grow inside a private residence, like with Etrata, or within the Agency, and control someone with clearance to release the Anzrag.
Proft goes on to state that he knew that if he brought everyone into the Vitu-Ghazi, it would lessen suspicion from the guilty party, but then once captive inside, the killer would be forced to act to try and silence him. He also chose Kaya as his first interview, since it “presented the perfect opportunity to strike. Who better to kill [Proft] and flee the scene, only to be so ashamed of her actions that she could never return to Ravnica?”
When the killer took the bait, Proft was able to get the last piece of evidence he needed to incriminate the guilty party – Trostani.

Read the eighth installment in full from Wizards of the Coast.