Magic 30 Cube Returns To Magic Online For Pro Tour March of the Machine

Check out the updates and new events coming to Magic Online

Archangel Elspeth
Archangel Elspeth, illustrated by Denys Tsiperko

Daybreak Games have released their weekly update article for Magic Online, detailing upcoming events, game changes, and more.

March of the Machine: The Aftermath

The Aftermath will be available on Magic Online beginning May 11 at 10 AM PT. Due to the set not being available for Limited play, players will have to acquire cards through pack purchases in the Magic Online store for $2.49 USD and through treasure chest rewards. The set will also not be redeemable.

Premier Play

On Sunday, May 7, players can participate in a Standard Qualifier. Entry to the event is 40 MOCS Season 2 Qualifier Points and the top two qualifier for the regional championships.

Alternate Play

Magic 30 Cube

The wildly popular Magic 30 Cube returns May 3 at 10 AM PT. You can view the updates to the Cube below.

Archangel ElspethElspeth, Knight-Errant
Hoarding BroodlordRune-Scarred Demon
Chandra, Hope’s BeaconChandra, Dressed to Kill
Wrenn and RealmbreakerScurry Oak
Invasion of TolvadaSpirit-Sister’s Call
Borborygmos and FblthpMaelstrom Wanderer
Invasion of InnistradRend Flesh

Full Schedule

  • May 10-24 – Vintage Cube
  • May 24-31 – Invasion Block (IPA) Flashback! (Phantom)
  • May 31-June 7 – Tempest Remastered. (Phantom)
  • June 7-14 – Emblematic of March of the Machine and back for the first time in four years – it’s Battle of the Planes! (Phantom)
  • June 14 – LTR Release – TBD

Format Challenges

Time (PT)FridaySaturdaySunday
12:00 AM  Vintage Challenge
1:00 AM 32-Player Limited Challenge32-Player Limited Challenge
2:00 AM Pauper Challenge 
4:00 AM 32-Player Legacy ChallengeModern Challenge
6:00 AM 32-Player Standard ChallengePioneer Challenge
8:00 AM Modern ChallengeLegacy Challenge
10:00 AM Vintage ChallengePauper Challenge
12:00 PM 32-Player Limited Challenge32-Player Limited Challenge
2:00 PM Pioneer ChallengeStandard Challenge
4:00 PM32-Player Limited Challenge  
6:00 PMModern ChallengeModern Challenge 

Patch Notes

  • The March of the Machine: The Aftermath card set will begin appearing in the Collection scene
  • Aegar, the Freezing Flame will correctly not trigger in situations where it blocks and an attacking creature wasn’t dealt excess damage
  • Tapping Strixhaven Stadium will no longer cause the game to crash for its controller
  • Battle cards will correctly be castable from the graveyard with Muldrotha, the Gravetide’s ability
  • Double-faced cards with a legendary creature on its front face will correctly display the legendary frame style

Read the original article from Daybreak Games.