
Demonic Tutor, Demonlord Belzenlok Return In Commander Masters

Both cards receive foil-etched treatment this go around

Courtesy of Wizards of the Coast (WotC), check out two iconic black cards making their return in Commander Masters — Demonic Tutor and Demonlord Belzenlok!

Demonic Tutor is back with the popular Zack Stella art in a normal frame and a foil-etched version. Commander Masters also introduces a new borderless version illustrated by Donato Giancola.

Continuing on with the demonic theme, Demonlord Belzenlok returns with a foil-etched variant as well.

This Elder Demon, originally from Dominaria, had a recent reprinting from a Secret Lair drop that also came in foil-etched, but this is the first offering of its original art in foil-etched. Which other mono-colored legend would you partner with Demonlord Belzenlok in a Commander Masters Draft if you had the choice?

Commander Masters is scheduled to be released on August 4. View our official preview gallery.