Celebrating Magic 30 In Las Vegas And The Commander Decks Coming With Me

Celebrating 30 years of Magic requires some special deck choices. Join Sheldon Menery as he shares the decks that will accompany him to Las Vegas this weekend

Mysterious Limousine, illustrated by Dan Scott

Magic is turning 30 with a ridiculous party and you know I’m going to be there.  In fact, they’ve invited me as one of the special guests.  As things get rolling tomorrow (October 28), I can tell you most of what I’ll be doing over the weekend.  There’s still one big surprise involved, too.  In addition to letting you know my schedule and where you might be able to find me for a chat or a game, I’ll let you know the decks I’m bringing.  As always, the most important of the Magic is the gathering. 

I’ll have arrived in town on Tuesday evening to hit the ground running on Wednesday (as an aside, it’s a little weird writing in the past tense about future events which I haven’t yet experienced, but will have happened by the time you read this).  It’s mostly a bunch of meetings and a rehearsal for one of the things I’m doing.  The Wednesday dinner plan was Bazaar Meat with fellow Commander Rules Committee (RC) members Scott Larabee and Toby Elliott.  Given the weekend’s layout, it didn’t look like I’d be socializing much with my closest friends, so we scheduled this one opportunity. 

As the first of you are reading this, I’m likely hip-deep in more meetings before running off to another rehearsal.  Today’s big highlight (and where we can start talking about stuff that actually hasn’t yet happened) is our first-even RC dinner as a group of six.  Olivia Gobert-Hicks and Jim Lapage will be in for a treat, because neither of them have been to Lotus of Siam.  Fifteen years ago, it was one of the best-kept secrets in Las Vegas.  Those days are long gone, but the food is exceptional, as is the wine list.  Nominally a chance for the six of us to get together and do business, I suspect that socializing will take precedence. 

The main reason that I’m one of the events Special Guests is that I’m leading the joint RC/CAG panel on Sunday.  The original idea was to have two RC and two CAG panelists.  We agreed that as RC co-founders, Gavin Duggan and I would represent the RC.  Based on availability of the CAG, we slated in Olivia and DeQuan Watson.  Obviously, things have changed since the planning stage of this event and Olivia is now an RC member.  What that shift means to her will be one of the talking points during the panel, which is called The Future of Commander.  For those not at the event, it’ll be broadcast (and I assume recorded) so you can watch at a later date if need be.  The last section of the panel will feature audience questions, so if you’re there, come take your shot.

Outside of the panel, I’m doing one other big thing that I can’t say anything about yet, but definitely tune in to the show!  I’ll spend much of my time just talking with folks.  I have one roundtable scheduled already with some content creators.  I’ll try to find some folks on site who are outside the content creation game and sit down with them as well.  I’ll keep myself as flexible as possible.  I think the best use of my time at shows is talking to small groups of four to eight.  Anything smaller and there’s not enough of a feedback loop.  Larger and voices get lost. 

Of course, the most fun thing I’ll do over the weekend is jam games with people.  To that end, I’ll tell you about which decks I’ll be bringing.  I didn’t take decks to the last two CommandFests.  I wanted to borrow decks for two purposes.  First, I’m genuinely curious of what and how people are building these days.  I want to see if the format is indeed, as some people suggest, getting faster.  I’d like to examine what brings people joy to build.  There’s a personal investment that goes into a commander deck and getting insight into how people invest themselves helps me think about the format’s bigger picture.  Secondly, I want to gauge players’ tolerance for facing their own decks.  It’s one thing to build something, but it’s another to have to sit across the table from it.  The good news is that in those two CommandFests, no one expressed any trepidation about having to face their own creation.  Most were pretty stoked about both battling against them and letting me discover the fun that they’d baked in. 

As far as the decks I’m going to bring, I’ll range into the various corners of the format as well as I can without thinking I need to bring a dozen in order to cover all the bases.  I fit my decks into my carry-on bag, so it can’t be all that many.  I suspect I’ll only get to play about six, which means I should bring eight just in case.  I’m going to focus on some of the newer decks that I haven’t played as much because I want to get familiar with them. 

Hofri’s Spirit Forge

I designed this deck in late April/early May of 2021, wrote about it, and never actually built it.  Here we are a year and a half later and I finally got my act together – pulling and cannibalizing all the cards I needed to finish it.  Initially built in the wake of Strixhaven: School of Mages coming out, the list now contains a few cards that were released between then and Warhammer 40,000 hitting the streets.  It still keeps that Strixhaven feel while doing some extra things.

This Spirit tribal deck seeks to win through looping creatures in and out of the graveyard via Hofri Ghostforge’s ability.  We can get there through combat (Malignus can sometimes be a one-Spirit show), but we can also get wins via triggered abilities.  There are big, splashy ones with Stalking Vengeance and Warstorm Surge; both want me to dig through the collection and maybe stick a Lithoform Engine in there, too.  There are more nettling ones that involve Goblin Bombardment.  In fact, the deck contains something that I rarely put into the ones I build: an infinite combo. 

I already had Hofri and Goblin Bombardment in the original design.  I added Altar of Dementia later as an additional sacrifice outlet for Hofri and to perhaps mill myself a little to get juicier targets for Karmic Guide to reanimate or Feldon of the Third Path to make tokens of.  Being two-thirds of the way there, I added Mistmoon Griffin.  I’ll let the good folks from Commander Spellbook explain how it works, step by step (and here’s the Goblin Bombardment version).   The TL;DR version is that by letting Hofri’s exile ability resolve before Mistmoon Griffin’s own, we’ll end up with infinite enter the battlefield triggers, leaves the battlefield triggers, death triggers, sacrifice triggers, and the ability to mill out everyone.  Running an infinite combo isn’t something I’ll do all that often, but I’ve noticed lately my willingness to go there a little more frequently than I have in the past.  So long as I don’t build them all the time, I’ll be fine.

Oldest Stickfingers

It’s already been a year since I put this one together and it’s been one of my favorites to play over that time.  Its win rate isn’t much better than average, but the joy factor is high.  It just does stuff that I like to do. 

When I really look deep and do an assessment, it’s pretty much just a Karador, Ghost Chieftain deck that doesn’t have any white in it.  I guess I have a type.  In fact, the last time I played  the deck, it won via Living Death and Bontu the Glorified.  The time before that which I won with it involved a couple of Grey Merchant of Asphodel loops.  Wrenn and Seven can set up some pretty explosive plays with the +1 ability to get lands into hand and creatures into the graveyard or fuel insanity with the +0 ability of dumping any number of lands from hand onto the battlefield. 

Kodama of the East Tree is as absurd a Magic card as has been made in a long time.  It can lead to an overcommitment to the battlefield, but that’s a risk well worth taking.  Speaking of absurd cards, I recently added Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord after cannibalizing a card from it to put into The Swarmlord of Hydras.  Speaking of which…

The Swarmlord of Hydras

Swarmlord of Hydras
Sheldon Menery
Test deck on 10-27-2022
Magic Card Back

This one is from just three weeks ago.  It’s going into the box because I haven’t played it yet.  The deck has a bunch of cards which really tickle my fancy.  I also realize that it, too, has a way to go infinite.  Let’s not have this be too much of a trend.  Since I said a great deal about this one not that long ago, I’ll implore you to read that piece as we move onto the next thing I’ll be bringing.

Karazikar Goad is GOAT

Karazikar Goad is GOAT
Sheldon Menery
Test deck on 10-27-2022

Another more recent build (if more than a year ago is still recent), Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant really changes the nature of a Commander game.  I think that the goad mechanic still has lots of room to grow and space to be explored.  I know some folks believe that the mechanic is a little overbearing.  I’ll suggest that maybe that’s the way it seems, but it’s just that its relative newness means folks want to continue experimenting with the mechanic. 

In addition to this deck just being something fun to play, it’s going to be a proving ground for me bringing in a Rule 0 conversation.  I opened some Mystery Boosters and got the playtest card Underdark Beholder.  Since the goad deck features a Beholder commander and other eye tyrants, Underdark Beholder is a natural fit.  The ability is pretty strong, so I’ll understand if folks want to say no.  I’ll keep the card it replaces handy just in case. 

Aminatou’s Demons

Sheldon Menery
Test deck on 10-27-2022
Magic Card Back

This deck comes with me because it only plays well face-to-face.  It’s a nightmare over webcam, what with Aminatou’s ultimate ability exchanging control of giant piles of permanents.  It’s a riot to play and I’ll carry it with me any time I’m sure that I’ll get a few IRL games in.  It’d Demon tribal and can win with Liliana’s Contract if the Demons can’t bust through in combat.  It already has a Warhammer 40,000 card in it, Great Unclean One, which creates more Demons.  It also features Blinky the Eldrazi (Eldrazi Displacer).  I swear I’m going to someday get artist to alter the card to look like Blinky from the Simpsons

Isshin, Habanero Level

Isshin Habanero Level
Sheldon Menery
Test deck on 10-27-2022
Magic Card Back

I’m taking this in case there’s a high-spice game I want to get into.  I’d call it high powered but not cEDH; I don’t think it can hang with the real completely-optimized crowd, but it’s what I’ll pull out if there’s a game to be had.  It’s a STAX deck, so I wouldn’t foist it upon the unsuspecting—but I do wonder how it might play more towards the middle of the scale.  I think it actually fares worse because at higher power you make concessions to cards for speed/t-axis and efficiency’s sake.  Many of those cards might be far less useful in different spaces. 

Breena Will Do It to You

Breena Will Do It To You
Sheldon Menery
Test deck on 10-27-2022

It feels like this Breena version is moving into signature deck space.  It does what I want all of my decks to do—have a good time playing by being a factor in the game, win or lose.  Of course, this one is special because of my role in bringing the Breena preconstructed deck, Silverquill Statement, to life.  My fully-constructed version diverges some from that deck but keeps much of its spirit.  The path to winning is either some Breena smashes or a big Inkshield, both of which are immensely satisfying.  Also, don’t sleep on Nils, Discipline Enforcer.  You’ll be surprised at how much stuff he’ll keep off your face. 

You Did This to Yourself

No trip to an event would be complete without my most famous of all decks.  It’s a meme at this point yet it still provides epic games.  It didn’t get anything new from Warhammer 40,000, but it got Relic of Legends from Dominaria United.  Since Ruhan is forced to attack every turn if able, it’s nice to be able to tap him and keep out of unfavorable combats—not mention producing additional mana.  I expect a few requests to play the deck and am always happy to oblige. 

Although the amount of time I’ll have for jamming games at M30 will be less than it usually is at a show, I’ll have enough of it that bringing a range of decks is a good idea.  Especially after hours, I’ll be gathered together with some people whose company I enjoy but rarely get to sling spells with.  Of all the things surrounding M30, that’s why I’m most hyped about. 

Always remember we have a channel on the Commander RC Discord server dedicated to discussing my articles.  I’d love to hear about features that you’d like to see, material you want more coverage on, or even things that you think just aren’t working.  I’m all ears.  Join nearly 8,000 friends for discussion of not just this piece, but on a wide variety of topics—both Commander-related and not.  Hope to see you there!

Visit my Decklist Database to see my Signature Decks, the Chromatic Project, and more!
