
Briar Leaves Classic Constructed As Living Legend After Latest FAB B&S Announcement

Other main update changes Bull’s Eye Bracers from banned to suspended until Lexi hits LL

Pulse of Candlehold illustrated by Pavel Kondrashov

Legend Story Studios dropped the latest Banned & Suspended announcement for Flesh and Blood last night, bidding farewell to Briar, Warden of Thorns and Rosetta Thorn following the Elemental Runeblade’s ascension to Living Legend.

The other main update was changing Bull’s Eye Bracers from banned to suspended until Lexi, Livewire reaches Living Legend. With Lexi 74 points away from leaving Classic Constructed, the Ranger Arm equipment will return for other Rangers like Azalea, Ace in the Hole and Riptide, Lurker of the Deep almost assuredly after the next Banned & Suspended announcement.

Notably, no action was taken against Lexi, even though she has been the most dominant hero in the game throughout Nationals season, even going back to Pro Tour Baltimore. Bryan Gottlieb, senior game designer for Flesh and Blood, wrote that, “Something always has to be the best deck. We believe Lexi to be one of the healthiest best decks Flesh and Blood has ever seen.” LSS intends to let Lexi run her course in Classic Constructed and expects her to retire on the November 6 B&S announcement after hitting Living Legend during the ProQuest season that also contains Callings and Battle Hardened events.

LSS hopes that the addition of Bright Lights and the reinvigoration of the Mechanologist class will spice up Classic Constructed enough in the meantime, while allowing the B&S announcement on Nov. 6 to remove Lexi heading into the Flesh and Blood World Championship. It also theoretically possible that Iyslander, Stormbind reaches Living Legend by then, which will give players two different potential metas to consider preparing for the World Championship in Barcelona.

Other quick hits from the announcement include:

  • No changes to Blitz
  • Living Legend points will be increased at ProQuests, Road to Nationals, PTI events, and Skirmish events due to the upcoming rise in number of heroes that will be introduced in future sets
  • Commoner and Ultimate Pit Fight formats will match Blitz in deck construction guidelines

The next scheduled Banned and Suspended announcement is set for November 6.

Read the original article from LSS.