
AuthorTodd Stevens

Todd Stevens is one of the SCG Tour's most consistent players, specializing primarily in Modern. Five straight Open Top 8s, with two wins, when playing Modern from March to July of 2017 helped propel him to win 2017 SCG Tour Player of the Year, a title he's looking to defend in 2018.

The Newest Modern Tech

Todd Stevens is on his way to his home state to do battle at SCG Dallas! Luckily, Magic Online has given us even more sweet tech just in time for the event! Todd examines an absurd number of lists so you can get all the options for your Modern weekend!

Entering The Jace Era

Todd Stevens hasn’t spent much time on Islands in his Magic career, but like it or not, that’s about to change! He thinks Jace is going to take over the format, and these are the decks he’s starting with!

My 4 Favorite Post-Pro Tour Modern Decks

SCG Indianapolis is coming up fast! Modern will be on display, and Todd Stevens is already chomping at the bit! Which decks does he recommend in the Pro Tour afterflow? Here they are, complete with updates and analysis!

Mini-Masters VS: Chaos Week – Round 4!

And you thought yesterday with Unstable was bonkers! Chaos Week just keeps getting better and better. Todd Stevens wants to lock up the series with Ixalan, but Ross Merriam might express Dissension from that plan…

Mini-Masters VS: Chaos Week – Round 3!

We’re hitting the halfway mark on Chaos Week at Mini-Masters VS! And things are getting extra chaotic, because while Todd Stevens has Return to Ravnica on his side, Ross Merriam’s getting Unstable…

Mini-Master VS: Chaos Week – Round 1!

Todd Stevens and Ross Merriam are back at it on Mini-Masters VS! This week, it’s Chaos as they get dealt ten random packs. So what happens when Todd Stevens gets Iconic Masters…and Ross Merriam is stuck with Amonkhet?

Deck Rates: Rivals Of Ixalan Standard

With Standard radically refreshed by Rivals of Ixalan and recent bannings, Todd Stevens has a whole new metagame to confront! And that can mean only one thing…the return of Deck Rates!