AuthorTodd Anderson

Todd Anderson has been a competitive Magic fixture for well over a decade, dominating The SCG Tour® with an astounding record 32 Top 8 appearances, including six wins. From his Pro Tour runs to his four Grand Prix Top 8s to his runner-up showing at the 2015 Players' Championship, Todd is one of the most dangerous opponents in the game.

MTGO Video: Modern Jund

If you are looking forward to the next PTQ season, Todd Anderson has a treat for you! He recorded a Modern Daily Event with Reid Duke’s Jund list from the Magic Online Championships.

The Modern Era: Punishing Fire And The Will To Survive

Todd gets you up to speed on the upcoming Modern format with an in-depth analysis of the dance between Wild Nacatl and Punishing Fire and shares his thoughts on what he thinks is Modern’s next breakout star.

Constructed Standard Video: U/W Illusions Featuring Geist Of Saint Traft!

This week’s Illusions deck is much more aggressive, and really shows you how good Geist of Saint Traft is against a variety of decks. It’s one of the best decks in the format, so get your taste of it here as Todd runs it in a Daily Event.

The Price Of Progress

Todd went west for the St. Louis Open Series and has learned a great deal in the process of preparing for the Charlotte Invitational. Read on for lessons in Standard and Legacy!

MTGO Video With U/W Illusions

While the only Illusions left in the deck are Phantasmal Bears, this new U/W Tempo deck brings some strong beats with Geist of Saint Traft, among others. Watch these videos before the Charlotte Open this weekend to get a leg up!

Constructed Criticism – Building a Better Delver

With Delver RUG top dog in Legacy, Todd breaks down all the options available to the strategy, including the cards available in other colors! Sure to be a big part of the metagame at SCG Legacy Open: St. Louis.

Constructed Criticism – Illusions III

The Worlds landscape has changed Standard drastically yet again. To fight the newest enemies, Todd Anderson has some updates for St. Louis in a week, as well as tips for making the right play with the deck.

Drafting With Todd! ISD #1

Todd’s latest accomplishments include winning a Limited PTQ, so he mixes it up with an Innistrad draft walkthrough this week. St. Louis Draft Opens are in a couple weeks! This will help you prepare.

Constructed Criticism – Innistrad Limited And A Look At Legacy RUG

Todd put down Illusions and picked up 40-card decks this past weekend. Good thing he did. He won an SCG PTQ and will be on his way to Hawaii come February.

MTGO Video With Illusions

Illusions has been performing incredibly well on Magic Online, in the hands of various players. I’ve gotten a ton of requests to talk more about the deck, so I decided to record a Daily Event.

Constructed Criticism – Dissecting Fish (And Insectile Aberrations)

Illusions is the sickest Standard deck I’ve had the pleasure of playing in quite a while. Read Todd’s full primer on Illusions, and try it at the next Open in St. Louis.

Constructed Criticism – Delving Into The Unreal

Todd has had success with Illusions in the past, but this time, he’s got a new member on the team: Delver of Secrets. This card sees play in Legacy, but Standard? Todd tells you why Illusions are definitely real in Las Vegas.

Constructed Criticism – Dungrove Elder And The Wolf Run Ramps

Todd Anderson maintains his love for Wolf Run strategies, but this time he has adopted Dungrove Elder into the family. Read why the green version is better and what sideboard cards would be good to have this weekend at Kansas City.

Constructed Criticism – Garruk vs. Garruk For Baltimore

Todd played Wolf Run Ramp at States, and this week he’s sharing the experience and explaining why you might want to switch planeswalkers in Baltimore!

Winning Nashville: A Second Chance

Revisit Todd Anderson’s run through SCG Legacy Open: Nashville where he took home the trophy, and read about the major Standard players for States, including newcomer Wolf Run Ramp.