AuthorTim Landale

Tim Landale has been a regular staple at most North American events for the past three years. The highlight of his career is a Grand Prix win in Kansas City. He has been to multiple Pro Tours with several cashes. He is a fixture in the New England Magic community.

Wolf Run Ramp And Tezzeret Control

Grand Prix Kansas City 2008 winner Tim Landale likes two decks in Standard right now: Wolf Run Ramp and Tezzeret Control. Find out more about Tezzeret Control with his card-by-card breakdown.

Ramping It Up In Standard *20th GP Baltimore*

Tim Landale finished 20th at GP Baltimore with Wolf Run Ramp. He goes over his tuned list and the most important matchups in the metagame. Read to prepare for Standard at the SCG Open featuring the Invitational in Baltimore

Of Planeswalkers And State Championships

Hoping to surpass a trio of runner-up finishes, Tim is gunning for a title at The 2011’s this weekend. As a special treat, he’s also included his tips for Innistrad Limited!

Winning The Grudge Match

Tim Landale took down the Grudge Match in Philadelphia with a unique take on U/W Control with an emphasis on planeswalkers. This might be the next big thing in Standard, so take a gander before the Nashville Open.

How To Prepare For States

Tim Landale gives you three rules he follows when buildnig a deck for States, and given his good record, he knows what he’s talking about! Find out why Tim tends to avoid aggro and what deck he’s excited about for States this time.

Random Adventures And Valakuting Close To The Top

Tim Landale made two Top 8s with Valakut recently and has a few stories from you from his travels through the Northeast. If you’re looking for a solid Valakut deck for this weekend or SCG Open: Richmond, you’ve come to the right place.

Updating RUG Twin For The New Standard

Even without Jace, RUG Twin is a powerful strategy in new Standard. GP winner Tim Landale loves the deck and shares with you his updated list and sideboarding guide. Will this deck be a big player at the upcoming Cincinnati Open?

Breaking Standard: A Guide To RUG Twin

Tim Landale, winner of GP Kansas City, placed third at SCG Open: Orlando with RUG Twin. The deck combines the threats of Lotus Cobra, Jace, and Titans with the sudden stopping power of Deceiver-Twin combo. Watch out for this deck!

Breaking Standard: A Guide To RUG Twin

Tim Landale, winner of GP Kansas City, placed third at SCG Open: Orlando with RUG Twin. The deck combines the threats of Lotus Cobra, Jace, and Titans with the sudden stopping power of Deceiver-Twin combo. Watch out for this deck!