
AuthorThe Ferrett

The Ferrett is webmaster of StarCityGames.com. And he is so made of awesome he glows at night.

Insert Column Name Here – The Top Multiplayer Cards In Eventide!

Read The Ferrett every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, September 15th – “What was it like, being locked in with some of the finest writers in science fiction for six weeks?” you may ask. And the answer is, “It was like missing out on Magic for several months.” In fact, it was so like missing out on Magic that by the time I got around to making my Top Five Best Multiplayer Cards From Eventide, several months had passed! You might even think that this list would be slightly antiquated… But no! Now it’s playtested!

Insert Column Name Here – Who’s Losing Their Milk Money?

Read The Ferrett every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, September 8th – It’s never nice being a bully, but occasionally you have to kick someone when they’re down. If you don’t beat one of the other players up with this temporary advantage you possess, they’re all going to gang up and take your army away from you. So who do you beat the crap out of?

Insert Column Name Here – The Memorial Day Mill

Read The Ferrett every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, June 2nd – To celebrate the bold sacrifices our soldiers made for this country, I drafted a cowardly deck that refused to enter the combat phase. That’s right – I tried the triple-Shadowmoor Millstone deck in a team draft. So how’d it do? Well, read on!

Insert Column Name Here – Lessons From Hollywood, And The Intarwebz, And Every Other Big Event

Read The Ferrett every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, May 26th – I have never been to a Constructed Pro Tour. But as the Editor-in-Chief of StarCityGames.com over the past eight years, I’ve noticed a distinct trend in how the Internet as a whole approaches large, high-stakes Constructed events… Particularly when there’s a dominant deck that’s clearly head and shoulders above anything else. What can we learn from the past patterns of hype, crazy rogue decks, and deflation?

Insert Column Name Here – Letters To Various People

Read The Ferrett every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, May 19th – The Ferrett writes letters to Evan Erwin, MODO 3.0, you the readers, and his local gaming store as he discusses the vagaries of his latest draft!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 3 Pairings!

The round 3 pairings!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 2 Standings!

Round 2 standings are up!

Round 9 Pairings

The final pairings!

SCG $5,000 Open Final Standings!

The final 8!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 8 Pairings!

Who battles who in the pit of fire?

SCG $5,000 Open Round 8 Standings!

The latest scoop on Richmond!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 7 Pairings!

See who faces who in the pit of death!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 7 Standings!

See who’s fighting who in the final rounds!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 6 Pairings!

The latest and greatest pairings!

SCG $5,000 Open Round 6 Standings!

The latest standings fresh from Richmond!