
AuthorRoss Merriam

Ross Merriam has been a fixture on the SCG Tour since 2012 and is one of its most decorated players with over twenty top 8s. He currently serves as the beardliest member of Team BCW and a content creator for StarCityGames.com, focusing on the Modern format as well as Magic fundamentals and theory designed to help you elevate your game.

Stick To The Fundamentals

We all fantasize about making that incredible, unforgettable play that makes Magic history. But what if we’re wrong? Ross Merriam provides a sobering piece of advice: The more you try to get fancy, the worse you’re going to play.

Reassessing My End Game

Recent Open winner Ross Merriam took a break from the grind this week in a special place, and it gave him some terrific perspective about his role in the game, the game’s role in our world, and what the future of Magic may hold!

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

By now you know that Ross Merriam obliterated the Standard Open last weekend. What you may not know is that Ross broke a big-time rule in order to get the trophy. Find out what Ross did “wrong” and hopefully you can make the same “mistake” at #SCGPORT!

Beating Esper

While the rest of the world is bowing to the new Esper Dragons, the great Ross Merriam is tuning a deck to beat them! See if you can convert Ross’s designs into wins at #SCGCLE this weekend!

Perception Versus Reality

Do you play for Team Perception? Operating on previous level knowledge and struggling to gain a foothold on a format? Ross Merriam tells you how you can play for Team Reality and take home a trophy at #SCGPROV!

Embrace The Flood

Ross Merriam wins a lot of Magic games, so when he says that being mana flooded isn’t always a bad thing, we should all sit up and listen! Embrace Ross’s priceless deckbuilding advice before you sleeve up your deck for #SCGStates!

The Invitational Roller Coaster

Ross Merriam reviews the ups and the downs of his amazing run toward another Invitational top 8! There’s no better source for Standard and Legacy info as we approach #SCGNY!

Second Thoughts On Dragons Of Tarkir

Ross Merriam has his deck lined up for #SCGINVI! See which cards Ross tested for the event that worked, and see which did not live up to his expectations!

Brewing With Dragons Of Tarkir

The great Ross Merriam had a productive Grand Prix weekend, but does that mean he’s ready to rest? Of course not! See the man’s first efforts toward putting Standard in its place!

Managing Expectations

Ross Merriam got some sound advice from Gerry Thompson over the weekend, and now he wants to pass it onto you before you jet off to #SCGDAL!

Dragons Of Tarkir Card Evaluations

Ross Merriam has a few choice words for the new spoilers! If you’re struggling to evaluate some of the early and exciting cards from Dragons of Tarkir, let a Magic pro help you figure it out!

Making The Best Of A Bad Tournament

GP Memphis was not a success in the traditional Ross Merriam way, but he’s learning to appreciate how to turn bad weekends around! See Ross’s advice for making good out of bad in Magic!

One Shot

Ross Merriam is only a few pro points away from Pro Tour glory! See the deck that has him psyched to go for the Gold, and listen to his advice on the direction of the metagame going into #SCGLA!

Order From Chaos: My Weekend At The Pro Tour

Ross Merriam had a good run at Pro Tour Fate Reforged, and he has a lot of Modern knowledge to pass your way! See if Ross’s choice is right for you this weekend at the $5,000 Modern Premier IQ at #SCGHOU!

Adventures In Judge Calls

Ross Merriam revisits the weekend that was in Standard, discussing his deck before the $5,000 Premier IQ at #SCGIndy! Then he opens up the discussion to chat about judging and a few interesting rules you may not be aware of!