
AuthorRichard Feldman

Richard is the most eloquent of a group of up-and-coming Magic players from St. Louis. He is known for high-level theorizing and putting new spins on popular archetypes.

Deep Analysis — Teaching the New Kids on the Block

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Richard rounds out his triple-whammy of Block Constructed U/B Teachings articles with a play-by-play rundown of the Poison Slivers and U/G Tempo matches. He brings us his current incarnation of the U/B Behemoth, and proves once more that the metagame should fear the Teachings decks like no other. With the Block PTQ season proceeding apace, it’s time to get with the cool kids and just Play. This. Deck.

Deep Analysis – Zooming in on U/B Teachings

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Richard Feldman continues his comprehensive guide to U/B Teachings in Block Constructed with a thorough examination of his current decklist. He walks us through the thought processes behind his most recent changes, and shares his sideboard tactics and matchup strategies. This is a wonderful article that breaks down the mystery behind the proclaimed strongest deck in the format… can you afford to miss it?

Deep Analysis – The Metagamer’s Dilemma: U/B or Not U/B

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Richard Feldman claims that if you’re not playing U/B Teachings in Time Spiral Block Constructed, you’re not playing to win. In fact, by his logic, Celso Zampere Jr made a bad decision in playing G/W at Grand Prix: Montreal… and he won the whole thing! With Teachings into Tendrils being a truly dirty play, is the U/B deck really the One True Deck for Block, from which all others must flee? Let Richard light the way…

Deep Analysis — The 800-lb Gorilla of Time Spiral Block

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Richard Feldman believes that, for Time Spiral Block Constructed at least, if you’re not playing the best deck in the format then there’s no reason to be playing at all. Today’s Deep Analysis looks at the very core of the U/B Control decks, and ascertains exactly how they win, what they need, and why they’re largely unstoppable. This article is a must for anyone contemplating running the Evil in their coming PTQs… and for those looking to fight their way through it should take a look too.

Deep Analysis – Fortress Theory

Read Richard Feldman every Thursday... at StarCityGames.com!
Richard Feldman takes up residence in the Thursday slot, and produces yet another barnstorming article that’s destined to go down as one of the strongest pieces written to date. Following on from Sean McKeown’s excellent “The Ballistics of Magic Bullets and Glass Cannons,” Richard takes us through some clear and succinct examples by which we can improve our deckbuilding and sideboarding theory. Another first class article from one of the strongest writers in the game today.

Deep Analysis – What’s in a Midrange?

Read Richard Feldman every Tuesday... at StarCityGames.com!
Richard Feldman delivers quality, thought-provoking strategy articles, week-in week-out. Today’s offering is no exception. He breaks down the popular Midrange archetype into two distinct categories, and examines why they are so popular, and why they can be so powerful. If you’re a fan of Midrange decks, or if you simply want to know how to beat them, then this article is unmissable.

Deep Analysis — Road to Regionals: Tuning the Suicide Squad

Get ready for Magic the Gathering Regionals!
Last week, Richard gave us his exciting Orzhova Suicide Squad decklist… and it proved strong enough to qualify one lucky fella for German Nationals! This week’s Road to Regionals sees Richard take the deck through its paces against the most important decks in the metagame, tweaking and collating as he goes. The deck is a contender, of that there’s no doubt. Will it be the one for you? Read Richard’s excellent article and find out!

Deep Analysis — Road to Regionals: The Suicide Squad

Get ready for Magic the Gathering Regionals!
We start our Road to Regionals series with an all new Feldman creation: the Orzhova Suicide Squad! Richard was hell-bent on finding a mind-range deck with game against the Big Three of Dragonstorm, Gruul, and Dralnu du Louvre. In recent weeks, that quest was sidelined for other Magical endeavors. However, the Suicide Squad has been putting up great numbers against both the Big Three and the some of the new pretenders to the throne! If you’re looking for a deck for Regionals, this could be the one.

Deep Analysis — Firing a Glass Cannon at Columbus

Read Richard Feldman every Tuesday... at StarCityGames.com!
As you may have read in the official coverage, Richard Feldman and Zac Hill took a fresh-looking Trinity Green deck to Grand Prix: Columbus… and Richard came very close to making the final table. Today’s Deep Analysis looks at the creation of the deck, and provides a game-by-game rundown of the Grand Prix action!

Deep Analysis — Zooming Out on Standard

Dragonstorm in the strongest deck in Standard. As such, everyone is gunning for it. However, life can be difficult for the self-proclaimed Combo Killers when the tools at your disposal are nullified by a timely Gigadrowse. So what can we do? Richard takes a proactive approach, and looks for answers to the puzzle by examining the available disruption. He brings us four exciting decklists today, at least one of which can produce fantastic results against the 800-pound gorilla in the format.

Deep Analysis — Mid-Testing Feedback

With Regionals on the horizon, Richard returns to his intriguing Walking Anthems Standard deck, testing the important matchups and tweaking the card numbers. Hit / Run, Temporal Isolation, Necrotic Sliver… are they good enough for the final 75? His attempts to break the metagame are proceeding apace… does this latest version have what it takes?

Spotlight on Future Sight — Future Sight’s Impact on Standard

Yesterday, Nick Eisel kick-started our five-part Spotlight on Future Sight series with a look at some of the hits and misses of Future Sight for Limited play. Today, it’s Richard Feldman’s turn. He takes the Top 5 Standard decks in the current metagame and examines the impact that the new cards will have on these fan favorites. Where, exactly, does Pact of Negotiation fit? Does Izzetron gain or lose anything? Is Magus of the Moon suitable for Gruul maindecks? All this, and more, inside!

Deep Analysis — Walking Anthems Through The Gauntlet

For the past few weeks, Richard Feldman has been attempting to break Standard. Last week he brought us the exciting Walking Anthems deck. This week, he puts it through its paces against a variety of the format’s top contenders. The verdict? He’s definitely onto something. If you’re looking for a powerful deck that’s a little off the beaten track, and is undefeated in competitive play, then this is the article for you!

Deep Analysis — Walking Anthems

Last week, Richard set out on a mighty quest… a journey of self-discovery that would hopefully lead to him breaking Standard with a deck of his own design! He brought us Red Gold, a greedy deckbuilder’s dream. Today, he runs the deck through a tough set of matches against a tournament favorite. And to cap it all, he brings us a fresh new deck.

Deep Analysis — Digging For Red Gold

During Constructed tournament downtimes, such as the current Two-Headed Giant Limited PTQ season, Richard has traditionally retreated to the seclusion of Magic Online for his sixty-card fix. This time, however, he has a mission — to become a better Deck Designer. While he is pleased with his ability to tweak decks, building them from the ground up is currently beyond him. Join him on his journey toward rectifying this deficiency in his game, and see if he can create a deck that breaks Standard wide open!