
AuthorReuben Bresler

Reuben Bresler is a Coverage Coordinator for SCGLive who lives in Roanoke, VA. When he's not doing coverage, he works on various video projects for StarCityGames.com, like The Newsening.

Sweet Tweets: #SCGCon

This past weekend, the largest SCG Open ever (774 players!) was held in Indianapolis. See what people had to tweet about #SCGINDY!

Preview: Grand Prix Charlotte

StarCityGames.com is proud to present Grand Prix Charlotte this weekend! Find out all the details about the main event, side events, guest artists, and more!

Sweet Tweets: #PUNCHING

Join Reuben Bresler in celebrating Boros Week by reading what Legion Loyalists had to say to proclaim their pride in the red-white guild on social media!