AuthorRaphael Levy

Raphael has been playing Magic since the dawn of time. With more than 70 PTs under his belt and 3 Grand Prix wins, he is considered to be a mainstay on the Pro Tour. He was inducted in Magic's Hall of Fame in November 2006.

A 2011 Recap

Raphael Levy recounts all the major tournaments he’s been to in the last year and how every point counts. He then reviews all the major changes Magic has seen in 2011 and his involvement.

U/W Blade In Action!

After going 5-1 in the Standard portion of Worlds (making 20th) and winning a 60-player event with the same 75, Raphael Levy wants to share his latest deck with you Open and Invitational goers in Charlotte.

9th At GP Singapore With Elves

Hall of Famer Raphael Levy was ready to take back his title at GP Singapore (won in 2007) and came oh so close, missing on tiebreakers. Read about the Elf deck that almost got him there, beating up on Caw-Blade meanwhile.

G/W Quest at PT Paris *49th*

Thursday, February 17 – Raphael Levy, Magic Hall of Famer, took a G/W Quest deck to Pro Tour Paris and finished Top 64. Try it out at Standard Open: Washington DC!

Pro Perspective – Pride on the Line, Worlds Report *70th*

Tuesday, December 21st – Expectations and optimism at an all-time low, Raphael Levy battles both his opponents and his self-esteem at the Worlds front. But at the end of Day 2, he realizes something…

Pro Perspective – To Go Black Or Go Back?

Tuesday, December 7th – Raph examines and builds a Scars of Mirrodin Sealed pool. Come bring your thinking caps and build a Sealed deck! Discuss your opinions with Raphael Levy in the forums. Bonus Standard Singleton decklist!

The Pro Perspective – An Exercise in Building a Scars Sealed Deck

Monday, November 29th – Download this week’s Sealed pool, and build your pool along with Raphael Levy! Compare your build to Raph’s and Antoine Ruel’s, get input in the forums, and download the pool for next week.

The Pro Perspective – Talking About Sealed

Monday, November 8th – Building Sealed decks and seeing what others would’ve done is by far the most efficient way to improve. Building decks once in a while doesn’t hurt, especially when you don’t have to pay for it.

The Pro Perspective – A Take on Scars of Mirrodin Sealed Deck

Tuesday, October 12th – “How are we supposed to build a deck when there are so many building restrictions?” Raphael Levy investigates this bizarre Sealed format and makes some key discoveries.

The Pro Perspective – White Weenie At Amsterdam! *31st*

Thursday, September 16th – I started feeling the magic flowing in my hands again during Grand Prix Gothenburg, so I felt confident things would go my way.

The Pro Perspective – Grand Prix: Gothenburg!

Thursday, September 2nd – In my Magic career, I had never missed a top 8 when I went undefeated on Day 1. I was confident I could make it again this time.

Pro Perspective – Fauna Naya versus Pyromancer’s Ascension: The Naya Perspective

Friday, August 27th – Hall of Famer Raphael Levy pits Fauna Naya against Antoine Ruel. Which deck will be victorious?

Pro Perspective – Blue/Black in M11 Draft

Friday, August 13th – Hall of Famer Raphael Levy has a few rules in M11 draft. The first is: avoid drafting Green and White cards. Today, he shares this thoughts on his favorite draft archetype in the format: Blue/Black. If you’re looking to gain an edge on your Nationals opponents, Raph has the key!

The Pro Perspective – Red/Green Tokens at French Nationals

Grand Prix GP Columbus July 30-August 1, 2010
Tuesday, July 27th – While French Nationals did not exactly go to plan for Hall of Famer Raphael Levy, he believes his Standard deck was a fine choice, and claims great matchups against those that made the final table. He shares his story, decklist, and strategy tips today!

The Pro Perspective – M11 Limited Thoughts

Grand Prix GP Columbus July 30-August 1, 2010
Thursday, July 15th – Like many a mage last weekend, Hall of Famer Raphael Levy rocked out his local prerelease. Today, he shares his first impressions of the current Core Set Limited format, listing two sealed decks and presenting a host of tips and ideas on the relative strengths of the new spells. With the release events this weekend, and M11 draft important for a host of Nationals competitions, Raph leads the way into this brave new forty-card format!