AuthorPedro Alvarado

Pedro Alvarado is a geek. He remembers being a young geek when he was nine and hopes to be an old geek when he is ninety. He has an unhealthy fascination with Magic the Gathering, the NBA, Data Base modeling and human decision-making patterns. He has never won an FNM but has won two PTQs and he thinks referring to himself in the third person is seven kinds of awesome.

SCG Talent Search – Should Magic: The Gathering Be An Olympic Sport?

Wednesday, January 12th – Pedro Alvarado made it to the Top 8 of the SCG Talent Search, and this week, does something completely different. He asks a simple question: Should Magic be an Olympic sport?

SCG Talent Search – Sex and Magic: The Gathering

Thursday, December 9th – Sex and Magic. You can live without either, but why would you want to? Pedro explains the intricate relationship between them.

SCG Talent Search – Play the Game, See the World, Get the Girl

Thursday, November 25th – What have they done in the face of impending celebration? What is the best way to win? The Called Shot.

SCG Talent Search – Drafting With Pedro #1

Thursday, November 11th – Drafting is complex. Do you want to know how complex? Check out Pedro’s ambitious project to use relationship models to help make software for optimizing one’s draft skills!

SCG Talent Search – Laying Down the Line: Odds for Worlds 2010, Chiba

Thursday, October 28th – If you live anywhere where gambling is illegal… don’t sweat it. You see, us Goblins don’t gamble, being fictional and all. Goblins don’t need money, but we love clams.

Side Drafts Reporter: Pro Tour Prague

I recently participated in Pro Tour Prague. If you are a fan of the game, and by reading this website you demonstrate you are, you have already read the coverage of the event. If you are wondering how I did, and if that determines whether you should read this article or not, I’ll save you the time: I finished 399th. So if all you want is the tech in drafting RGD so that you’ll be a MTGO stud and embarrass your friends, go look somewhere else.

Metagaming the Draft — An Open Letter to Wizards

Wizards has databases full of wonderful information from thousands of Limited games. In the bottomless reservoir that is MTGO they hold draft pick orders, Sealed pools, maindecks, sideboarded decks, and tournament results. That just makes the little geek inside of me twitch with desire. Okay, he’s not that little… okay, he’s not inside of me… okay, I am that geek, just let me be.

Fanboy for the Pro Tour

Yes, I’ll admit it… I’m a fanboy. While I’m not really a boy – unless you define “boy” as a 28 year old with a beard – I’m most definitely a fan. You see, I like to play Magic. I’m sure my writing for a Magic website has tipped you off on that already.