AuthorPaulo Vitor Damo da Rosa

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa is widely regarded as one of the best five players to ever play the game. He's a Hall of Famer with twelve Pro Tour Top 8s, including two wins - PT San Juan in 2010 and PT Kyoto in 2017. He was the 2017 Player of the Year and is currently a member of the Magic Pro League.

Did The May Strixhaven League Weekend Help Solve Strixhaven Standard?

What happened at the May Strixhaven League Weekend, and how will Standard players react? World Champion PVDDR and others say what they’d play.

Everything I Know About Boros Winota In Strixhaven Standard

Boros Winota is the World Champion’s pick for the best aggro deck in Strixhaven Standard. He shares his latest list and sideboarding guide.

Should We Be Excited Or Scared Of What’s To Come In Modern Horizons 2?

Is the card Urza’s Saga as broken as its namesake set? PVDDR, Sam Black, and Ari Lax call Fact or Fiction on five statements about Modern Horizons 2.

Everything I Know About Orzhov Auras (Lurrus) In Historic

World Champion PVDDR never expected to be an Orzhov Auras (Lurrus) fan in Historic, but here he is. He shares his latest list and sideboarding guide.

Everything I Know About Gruul Aggro In Historic

World Champion PVDDR took ninth at the Insight Esports Historic Open. He shares card choices, his latest list, and how to sideboard.

Exploring Clever Lumimancer And Magecraft In Strixhaven Standard And Historic

Does Clever Lumimancer stand a chance on MTG Arena? World Champion PVDDR builds around it in Historic and Strixhaven Standard.

What Has Strixhaven’s Mystical Archive Done To Shake Up Historic?

Strixhaven’s Mystical Archive broke Historic wide open. World Champion PVDDR and five more SCG creators say what they’d play.

Is Sultai Ramp (Yorion) The Deck To Beat In Strixhaven Standard?

Strixhaven Standard is underway, but has Magic’s newest set help to dethrone Sultai Ramp (Yorion)? Six SCG creators share their thoughts and decklists.

Five Standard Decks That Improve With The Addition Of Strixhaven

Is Strixhaven really as weak for Standard as people think? World Champion PVDDR offers his builds of five archetypes which may benefit from the set.

Blade Historian And Winota, Joiner Of Forces Are A Match Made In Heaven

World Champion PVDDR examines Winota, Joiner of Forces and determines if Blade Historian is enough to resurrect the archetype in Strixhaven Standard!

Strixhaven First Impressions: Historic

Which Mystical Archive card made the biggest first impression on SCG’s creators? They sort through Brainstorm, Faithless Looting, and more.

Strixhaven First Impressions: Standard

Strixhaven brims with potential for Standard, but which cards will make the cut? Eight SCG creators cast their votes, with surprising results.

The Best Card In Legacy Is Now Legal In Historic

Brainstorm dominates Legacy, so what will it do in Historic? World Champion PVDDR offers five decks featuring the powerful Mystical Archive preview.

Everything I Know About Me! AKA Elite Spellbinder

World Champion PVDDR earned an appearance on Elite Spellbinder. He shares the card’s story before building with it in Strixhaven Standard and beyond.

Everything I Know About Bant Angels In Historic

Bant Angels made PVDDR’s shortlist for the Historic portion of the Kaldheim Championship. He shares his build, play patterns, and a sideboarding guide.