
AuthorPaulo Vitor Damo da Rosa

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa is widely regarded as one of the best five players to ever play the game. He's a Hall of Famer with twelve Pro Tour Top 8s, including two wins - PT San Juan in 2010 and PT Kyoto in 2017. He was the 2017 Player of the Year and is currently a member of the Magic Pro League.

PV’s Playhouse – Drafting With Worldwake

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Thursday, February 11th – Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa, in preparation for the approaching Pro Tour, has been drafting Zendikar / Zendikar / Worldwake with a passion. Understandably, he has reached a few conclusions about the format, and he shares his initial thoughts today!

PV’s Playhouse – Making Decisions in Magic

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Thursday, February 4th – There are many factors that separate the weak player from the strong in our glorious game. One particular factor is the strength of our decision-making process. Today, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa takes a look at this process, and highlights some interesting examples that should help improve our base levels of play.

PV’s Playhouse – Tempo

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Thursday, January 28th – The Tempo debate rages on, with Magic minds on both sides doing their level best to define or debunk the theories presented. Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa lends his considerable brain to the argument, suggesting that a definition of the concept isn’t of the utmost importance…

PV’s Playhouse – Examining Worldwake… So Far

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Thursday, January 21st – Worldwake Spoiler season continues apace, and we’re learning about the new and exciting cards from the WotC drop-feed. Today, Paulo Vitor Damo Da Rosa looks at the more interesting cards spoiled thus far, and evaluates them for Constructed play… [Warning: Contains Spoilers!]

PV’s Playhouse – Examining the MTGO Extended PTQs

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Dallas/Fort Worth!
Thursday, January 7th – The PTQ season has progressed to Extended, and the early results prove that a multitude of strategies are viable. Paulo takes a look at the two Top 8s from recent Online PTQs, and shares his thoughts on the decks’ strengths and weaknesses. If you’re looking to pick up a Blue Envelope in the coming weeks, let PV guide the way!

PV’s Playhouse – Playing On Autopilot

StarCityGames.com 10K Open - Los Angeles

Thursday, December 24th – Last week, Paulo warned us about the dangers of overthinking. Today, he spins through 180 degrees and preaches against playing on autopilot. As with much in life, the key is to hitting that sweet spot, walking the fine line between each extreme.

PV’s Playhouse – Overthinking

Read Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, December 16th – In the quest for the perfect play in any given game of Magic, we often gloss over the basic play in search of something cooler, or more “professional.” This curse of overthinking the easy and complex interaction can lead to mistakes and game losses in the best of us. Paulo investigates the process of overthinking, and offers sage advice on its avoidance.

PV’s Playhouse – Paulo at Worlds, Part 3

SCG 10k St. Louis Offers First Chances to Qualify for the 2010 StarCityGames.com Invitational!
Thursday, December 10th – Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa concludes his excellent tournament report from Worlds, in an article packed with Draft and Extended match summaries. He also discusses the sideboard options for his Extended deck of choice: Thopter Foundry Combo.