
AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Brewing With Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh

There is always a greater power, and Amonkhet’s is arriving in Hour of Devastation! Patrick Chapin gets the brewing kickstarted with everything from a classic Grixis approach to a Deploy the Gatewatch build!

Bolas, Cats, And The Power Of Defeat

Welcome to Hour of Devastation season! Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin is going to work on Big Bad Bolas, the sneaky strong rise of Cat tribal, and the big impact you can expect from the Defeat cycle!

After The Top Stopped Spinning

Patrick Chapin is hopping in the broadcast booth for the Las Vegas Legacy Grand Prix! But before he gets to commentating, he has plenty to say about updating decks after Sensei’s Divining Top’s ban…and brews to remind you that Counterbalance is still in the format!

Modern Amonkhet Brews For SCG Baltimore

With SCG Baltimore this weekend, Modern is the name of the game! Patrick Chapin is nicknamed “The Innovator” for good reason, and today he showcases a series of Modern brews featuring underexplored cards from Amonkhet!

Amonkhet Complete Review: Green, Artifacts, And More!

The wait is over! Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin has taken a break from his Pro Tour Amonkhet testing in order to bring you the rest of the crazy number of ideas he has for Amonkhet brewers everywhere! Get out your notes, everyone! This is how you Magic!

Amonkhet Complete Review: Red And White

Patrick Chapin continues his Amonkhet Complete Review with a double feature! Red and white have already proved their viability in Standard with Zach Stern’s SCG Atlanta semifinals appearance, but “The Innovator” has more than just Humans on his mind!

Amonkhet Complete Review: Blue

The Amonkhet complete review continues! In this first installment after the banning of Felidar Guardian, Patrick Chapin talks blue. With more than a dozen decklists and well over 6,000 words of content, this is the way to start your Magical week!

Amonkhet Complete Review: Black

Patrick Chapin’s famous Complete Reviews are among the highlights of any new set! Today he takes a deep dive into the black cards of Amonkhet, and if there’s a card to get his creativity going, it’s Archfiend of Ifnir! What will he do with it; Liliana, Death’s Majesty; and the rest ahead of SCG Atlanta?

Taking Control

The Innovator has more control lists for new Standard than you could possibly handle! Will SCG Atlanta be taken down by a few of Torrential Gearhulk’s best friends? Will one of these powerful blue-based decks dominate Amonkhet Standard?

Amonkhet Decks And Analysis!

Patrick Chapin has gone Cat crazy over Regal Caracal! But that’s not the only surprise lurking in his first Amonkhet brewing blockbuster. Is Manglehorn the unsung key to Standard’s future? And the Cartouche and Trial cycles can’t be Constructed-worthy…can they? Patrick has it all here!

Amonkhet’s Most Exciting Previews…So Far

Seriously, how much did we all miss Essence Scatter? And how many Drakes can we reasonably make with Drake Haven? Are the cycling duals destined for Modern? Is the cycling on Cast Out as insane as it looks? The Innovator has the answers (and the decks) to get the new season rolling!

Black Devotion, Ironworks, And Crackdown Combo

“The Innovator” has turned his eyes to Modern! Could Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Krark-Clan Ironworks, or Crackdown Construct be the key to winning SCG Worcester’s Modern Classic in a stunning combo finish? Let the brewing begin!