AuthorPack 1, Pick 1

Pack 1, Pick 1 puts SCG authors against each other in a drafting competition where you choose the winner!

Seven-Drops Good, Pacifism Bad? First-Picking Core Set 2020

Core Set 2020 has an unusual Draft format, and even the experts disagree on pick orders! Ryan Saxe and the Lords of Limited share their thoughts in this edition of Pack 1, Pick 1. Vote for the winner at the end!

Is Man-o’-War The Best Common In Modern Horizons Limited?

Drafting Modern Horizons is too expensive to waste on bad picks. Compare your choices in our Pack 1, Pick 1 scenarios to those of Ari Lax and the Lords of Limited, and vote for the one you thought drafted best!

Ravnica Allegiance Draft Drills!

Quick! You’re suddenly in the Draft queues for Magic’s newest expansion and you have to make some first picks! Consult our panel of SCG Limited specialists to get ahead of the format before the Prerelease!

Grow, Grow, Grow Your Boat

Sam Black, Ryan Saxe, and Ben Friedman confront five more Dominaria packs! Which of our authors keeps picking Grow from the Ashes?

Seal Away, Seal Away, Seal Away

Ari Lax, Ryan Saxe, and Ben Friedman take on five more Dominaria packs! Who’s your winner? And why is Ben Friedman channeling Enya?

Pack 1, Pick 1: Second Look At Dominaria

Now that Dominaria is in players’ hands, it’s time for another round of Pack 1, Pick 1! See what Ari Lax, Sam Black, and Jadine Klomparens had to say about these five packs and vote for who picked it best!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Descending On Dominaria

With the Prerelease on the horizon, Dominaria drafts can’t be far behind! Ari Lax, Sam Black, and Ryan Saxe give their Pack 1, Pick 1 rankings for five sample Dominaria packs. Vote for the winner each round!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Masters 25 Mayhem!

Five packs of Masters 25 times three top SCG writers equals Pack 1, Pick 1 fun! Who picked them best: Ari Lax, Sam Black, or Gerry Thompson? Cast your vote!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Three For The Road

What happens when Brad Nelson, Sam Black, and Ryan Saxe take on five Rivals of Ixalan Pack 1, Pick 1 dilemmas? A little bit of chaos and a whole lot of insight!

Pack 1 Pick 1: More Rivals Of Ixalan!

Gerry, Cedric, and Ari debate the best picks from packs freshly cracked! Vote for the guy you think navigated the early picks best!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Post-Pro Tour Edition!

With Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan in the books, what have we learned about the Draft format? Matthias Hunt, Ryan Saxe, and Ari Lax take on five Pack 1, Pick 1 challenges. See their selections and vote for the winner at the end!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Rivals Of Ixalan Limited, Take 2!

Last week’s Pack 1, Pick 1 was so fun, we’re doing it again! See what happens when Sam Black, Brad Nelson, and Ari Lax confront five perplexing picks from fresh Rivals of Ixalan packs!

Pack 1 Pick 1: Rivals Of Ixalan Limited!

Ari Lax and Todd Anderson have invited Drafting Digest’s Ryan Saxe over to Premium for a little draft contest! Check out their pick orders on some packs and vote who picked it best!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Amonkhet!

It’s an Amonkhet draft-off where four Premium writers make their picks…and you pick the winner! See how Sam Black, Cedric Phillips, Todd Stevens, and Conley Woods would start these five Amonkhet drafts and get ready for GP Richmond next weekend!

Pack 1, Pick 1: Modern Masters 2017

It’s a draft-off, and you’re picking the cards…and the winner! Tom “The Boss” Ross, Ari Lax, Ross Merriam, and Shaun McLaren have opened up identical packs of Modern Masters 2017! Who chose it best? Who is destined for a 3-0…and who is bound for a trainwreck?