
AuthorOscar Tan

Winner of the 2002 Writer War, Oscar lives in the Phillipines and is an aspiring law student.

You CAN Play Type I #51: Back To Basics Vs. The Deck

If a player still needs Back to Basics after packing a deck full of the most efficient counters ever printed, the strongest card draw and manipulation selection in a single color, a smooth mana base, plus Morphling-wall and Powder Kegs… Well, he should go play Pokemon.

You CAN Play Type I #49: CAN Mark Rosewater Play Type I?

I e-mailed MaRo half an hour after his column was posted, and I thanked him for a sober, realistic survey of Type I issues. It wasn’t what some players wanted to read – did you really expect him to announce the venue of the next Type I Pro Tour? – but I don’t think he could have done better.

You CAN Play Type I #45: Deconstructing Mark Rosewater

Mark Rosewater said that”an Extended deck (Miracle Gro) from the latest Extended season has gone on to have a huge influence on Type 1…” Why is he wrong and why does this deck (and Illusionary Mask) fail in the Format Of The Eldest Cards?

You CAN Play Type I #42: Why There Are Only Four Colors In Magic

Outside of mono green, a green creature has to be significantly better than the best another color has, simply because green can’t contribute much to a multicolored deck aside from creatures. In other words, even if I rate Call of the Herd higher than Serendib Efreet, I may still go with the blue guy to avoid adding green.