
AuthorMike Sigrist

Mike Sigrist is an avid Magic player, two-time Grand Prix champion, and two-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor. Mike also won the title of 2014-2015 Player of the Year, with it granting him the title of 2015 United States National Champion.

Eldritch Moon Cards That Will And Will Not Make It In Standard

Player of the Year Mike Sigrist knows what you want: the #SCGCOL goods! Eldritch Moon is completely out of the bag, and Mike has seen it all! So Mike, which cards are being overhyped? And which ones are going to take home trophies?

Bring Back Rakdos!

Player of the Year Mike Sigrist has won a lot with G/W Tokens. And frankly, he’s ready to stop. Eldritch Moon is bringing with it a lot of new spells, and Mike is going to work on using a few that are the complete opposite of green and white!

The Legends Of Eldritch Moon

We’ve gotten a lot of input about the first batch of spoilers for Eldritch Moon, but we haven’t heard from our Pro Tour Player of the Year! Mike Sigrist goes into deckbuilding detail on the legendary creatures that are sure to rock the coming Standard seasons!

Balancing Act: The Life Of A Father Who Plays Pro Magic

Magic used to be a game for college and high school kids, but things have changed. The game has been around long enough now that many of us are fathers and mothers, husbands and wives. Player of the Year Mike Sigrist spent Father’s Day contemplating his unusual career.

The Joy Of Drafting Eternal Masters

Pro Tour Player of the Year Mike Sigrist spent the weekend cracking Eternal Masters packs and learning the latest exciting Draft format! How did things turn out? What do you need besides bomb rares from Magic’s past to make your deck function?

The Dominance Of Green And White

Player of the Year Mike Sigrist has been on what many believe is the best deck for quite a while! What does this format need to beat this deck? What is Mike’s plan for keeping up with a Standard metagame that wants to tear this deck apart? The answers are here!

How To Build A Sideboard

If you want to win more games of Magic, your sideboarding needs work. All the sideboard guides in the world can’t help you at #SCGATL if you can’t sideboard as optimally as Player of the Year Mike Sigrist does!

Making It To Platinum With Jund

After two incredible Grand Prix finishes in a row, Mike Sigrist has locked it up! Read his breakdown of the build he chose, what he would change going forward, and the new brews that frighten him the most as a Jund mage!

What I Learned At The Magic Online Championship

Player of the Year Mike Sigrist managed to make the roster for one of the most exclusive tournaments in the world! What did he take away from this multi-format event that you can use at #GPCharlotte?


Player of the Year Mike Sigrist told you the deck he was going to dominate with. Then he did it at #GPNY. Sigrist talks about how the mastery of this deck, how to sideboard with it against the big #SCGINDY Classic matchups, and if it can stay as good as it is now.

The Evolution Of G/W Tokens

G/W Tokens may be the closest this Standard format has to a best deck at the moment, but it still needs to adjust to keep ahead of the week-to-week shifts. Mike Sigrist explains how you can keep going wide straight to the win column!

The Greatness Of G/W Tokens

Mike Sigrist is convinced: This deck is something special. See the breakdown of his team’s Pro Tour deck and how they took it straight to the trophy last weekend! Could this be the deck that dominates #SCGMKE’s Standard Classic?

Let’s Talk Bans And Unbans

There is no greater debate in the Magic community than those surrounding bans, restrictions, and unbans. So what does Mike Sigrist feel the future of Modern and Vintage will be like with our new parameters? Find out here!

Archetypes For #SCGBALT Next Weekend

What will the debut decks be at #SCGBALT’s big Shadows over Innistrad coming out party next weekend? Mike Sigrist shares the decks and strategies he thinks will kick off the new SCG Tour® Season!

Team Building

Want to make yourself better at Magic? Start by helping your friends get better. Mike Sigrist talks about the importance of role within a testing team and how it made him the professional player he is today.