
AuthorJoshua Claytor

Joshua Claytor is a former writer for Scrye Magazine, and the 2004 Kentucky State Standard Champion. Joshua has reached the Top 8 in numerous PTQ's, in addition to making the Top 8 in Kentucky states since 2003.

Lords of Atlantis: Wizards of the Coast, The DCI, And The Player

The articles on the Internet read like a close family member had died: Hasbro was firing 750 members of its work staff, and Peter Atkinson had resigned his post of CEO in disgust. Are the numbers true? Reports say so. Did Atkinson leave in disgust? I hardly think so. Thirty years old is quite young,…

Interview With Gary Wise

: Mr. Wise, as a start to the interview I would like to ask you a background question: What Pro Tours, Grand Prixes, and so on have you participated in and how have you done in them? : Well, I’ve actually been around for a long time now. My first PT was Dallas, at the…

Jon Finkel: An Exclusive Interview

Do you have questions or comments on anything you’d like to add to my ongoing interview segments? Look here first for the word from professional Magic players all over the world! : Please list your Magic achievements for your fans. : Well, I won the 2000 World Championships and US Nationals, as well as 1998…