AuthorJonathan Medina

Jonathan Medina is an expert at Magic card pricing and trading. He recently flexed his trading skills by trading up from a pack of Rise of the Eldrazi to a Mox Pearl.

Going Infinite – The Art of Analysis

Monday, August 23rd – In today’s edition of Going Infinite, Jonathan Medina delves into the arena of card and trade analysis. Maximize your profits by asking a few simple questions…

Going Infinite – Building a Better Binder

Tuesday, August 17th – Your trade binder is your shop front, a window in which you display your Magic wares. Jonathan Medina shows us how to construct a trade binder for maximum trade efficiency.

Going Infinite – The Fundamentals of Trading

The Open Series heads to Denver!
Wednesday, August 11th – In the first of a new financial column, Jonathan Medina discusses the fundamentals of trading. He explores how to think with a trader’s mindset, how to go about maximizing your binder real estate, and presents the three main outlets for making money via cardboard. All this, and some Magic stock tips too!