Going Infinite – Legacy Revolution And The Cheapest Deck In The Format
Monday, March 21 – Why is everyone trying to get into Legacy? What are the cheapest Legacy decks? Jonathan Medina, MTG Financial Expert, explains.
Monday, March 21 – Why is everyone trying to get into Legacy? What are the cheapest Legacy decks? Jonathan Medina, MTG Financial Expert, explains.
Monday, March 14 – To acquire or not to acquire Candelabra of Tawnos? Jon Medina gives you the scoop on when and how to pick up these pricey candlesticks. If you’re not rolling in money, he has some quick stock tips for you also!
Monday, March 7 – As Legacy heats up and Extended is about to rotate, Jonathan Medina, MTG Finance Expert, has noted some key cards that you may want to keep your eye on. Here are pricing trends you may not have noticed lately.
Monday, February 28 – The secret about one of the best equipment in Magic is out! What’s happening lately in the world of Magic finance? Jon Medina is the expert you should turn to. Find out the state of the rares in Standard.
Monday, February 21 – Jon Medina is a Magic financial expert and gives you the theory behind exactly what makes a rare hit the $10+ mark. He updates you with the latest cards to watch, cards to ship, and cards to keep!
Monday, February 14 – Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas has proved its worth! Jonathan tells you where he thinks Tezz’s price will level off – but also explains why the question is irrelevant. Plus, a list of cards you should pick up!
Monday, February 7 – There are four types of Magic players. Jon Medina, Magic financial expert, covers the “Trade To Play” player and how the cycle of trading cards to play certain decks will lose you value over time.
Monday, January 31 – What affects the prices of new cards? Should you be trading your new Mirrodin Besieged rares or holding onto them? Jon Medina gives you all the tips you need to make smart decisions on all the new cards.
Monday, January 24th – Jonathan Medina introduces you to Legacy, where the uncommons are gold. Medina shows you how to invest in Legacy staples and make good long-term investments.
Monday, January 17th – Extended is still in major flux right now, and the season is not yet in full swing – this means it’s the perfect time to be trading, buying, and selling if you can be ahead of the curve. Let Jon guide you!
Monday, January 10th – A shark is a value trader that takes advantage of people at any cost. Jon Medina is here to give you the tools to distinguish between sharks and other traders and avoid bad trades. Don’t lose to the shark matchup!
Monday, January 3rd – The MTGO Revolution is afoot, according to financial MTG expert, Jon Medina. Which formats should you start investing in for 2011?
Monday, December 27th – When Time Spiral was unbanned and wise traders pounced, many stores refused to ship their Time Spirals. As a trader, what can we learn from this – and my father’s Mexican restaurant?
Monday, December 20th – Jon Medina talks about the latest Mirrodin Besieged spoilers, the Japanese Jace vs. Chandra Duel Decks, and MTGO Gold Queues! Read up on all the latest going on in the financial world of MTG.
Monday, December 13th – Survivals have passed the point of no return – at least on the market. Will it be worth holding onto them? Probably not. Jon Medina elaborates on Legacy and Standard and provides a list of cards to watch in Extended.