
AuthorJohn F. Rizzo

If you seek hardcore technology, complete metagame breakdowns, and detailed deck analysis, read JFR to be severely disappointed. He's all about twisted tech, illogical breakdowns, and shady analysis, with curious grammar, questionable theory, obscure references, and his own brand of ambiguous philosophy thrown in when you weren't looking.

The Dead Thread

The entire Featured Writer staff of Star City weighs in on last week’s article. WARNING: More issues-per-square-inch than any other Rizzo article, ever.

Bringing Out The Dead

Lay down, make yourself comfortable. It’s time for some Rizzo bootleg phychology.

Tales From The Hood

I know why I am taking way too long to get better… I’m not very good at Magic. There, I said it.

Rebecca Brings It

A whirlwind of (sorta) strategy from Mister Issues himself. IBC tips. Planeshift looks. The Death of White. Oh, and a tourney report,

It’s A Big Bag, Chief

Can Rizzo bridge the gulf betwixt casuals and pros? You bet he can… With a little support from Rizzo fans McKeown and Flores.

The Worst Tournament Report, Ever

Check out these two snips from GP: NO match coverage on the Sideboard by "Randy" (1/06/01): "Twelve players were 6-0 going into the last round on Saturday. Seven of them were playing blue/black/red." "Zvi followed "the rule" for this format and built a blue/black/red Sealed deck." Then check out this credenza: "Black/blue/red was my agenda…Akron,…

The Theory Of Rogue Revisited

Darwin will tell you how to design rogue decks — but Rizzo will tell you what principles drive the TRUE rogue.

Hit So Many Def Lines You Have To Rewind

The man with more issues than a magazine rack goes off with a Year-End review, thoughts on Invasion drafting, and predictions for 2000.

I’m Only Happy When It Snows, or Something

Since I didn’t play in a tourney this weekend, does that mean I have to write a real article? Does that mean I actually have to think about a topic and get busy with my awesome arguments which will sway a grand total of zero people, but fire up the troops who already see things…

Me And My Ants: PTQ Tokyo

Tuesday through Friday: "You have spent 456 minutes online." -AoL, upon signing off. Okay, quit yer whining. One of the quotes was wrong, a little. It’s not like you were close, anyway. Here: "I’ve got this fella working for me – do you know what a hacker is?" Should now read: "I HAVE this fella…

PTQ: Checked

Wednesday, Dec 5. I got home at two a.m. on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning after playing way too much Magic at CMU. Stupidly, I logged on to check my mail… and found sixty-three messages. Oh man. I did write that damned "respond to email with haste, chief" diatribe, didn’t I? At about 4:20 a.m., I hit…

Getting Up For The Down Time While Remaining Random

[Andrew Cuneo did the right thing. And still won. Read about it here: http://www.wizards.com/sideboard/article.asp? x=MASTERSCHI009010fm3gw There has been some discussion on the Star City mailing list that he might have done "the right thing" only because whatever he was using as a bird token was shaped in a manner that could lead to confusion about…

Flame Rift For Four?

[Irrelevant to the rest of the article intro rant: -Trix is everywhere. -Tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 1999. Because it friggin’ is. -Good thing is gone. , too. -As much as I like and support WoTC, they suck. End intro rant.] [Begin yet another one right here: I might as well hop on the…

Zadok Sligh Eats Columbus: The Universal Net Deck Comes Out To Play

PTQ-Tokyo, Columbus, November 18 Friday, November 17: Episode one, and stuff. The moment I realized that I couldn’t take it back, I wanted to. That was then, this is not only now, but the future as well. No takebacks here. No bootlicking for amnesty. Where do I go from here? To the losers bracket, slick….

Purge Mode: On

I submitted my first article to TheDojo on December 6, 1999. Two articles, actually; I guess it’s appropriate that they were both sent directly to the "humor" archive. That day marked my first big dive into the deep and sometimes fickle Pool of Magic. I guess that’s when it all started; what a friggin’ ride…