AuthorJim Grimmett

James is a resident of Bath, UK and a self-confessed Magic addict. In his spare time he builds and plays rogue decks, reads books and comics, and designs and builds websites. He's attended the UK Nationals since 1998.

1800 or Bust!: A Little Rotisserie, Sir?

The Second Annual Bath Invitational is up… And Jim’s involved in the Rotisserie Draft! What sorts of strategies can you use when you have all the cards?

1800 or Bust!: Nearly A Year

It’s been a year since Jim started on his quest to hit an 1800 rating. So did he make it?

1800 or Bust!: Reliable? Oh Yeah!

Looking for a last-minute States deck? Jim discusses his R/G beats deck and tells you how it fared at a fifty-person tourney… And what he would have changed.

1800 Or Bust!: Small Things And Burn

Jim discusses his builds of Sligh for Type 2, and why a mono-red version just doesn’t cut it anymore….

1800 Or Bust!: Control Is Dead. Long Live Control!

Sure, control will take a hammering thanks to Flashback – but supplement counterspells with discard and a low number of quality Flashback spells, and you might get this.

1800 or Bust!: A Fond Farewell?

I love block rotations. W hat cards will I miss, what mechanics will we see the back of, and what cards didn’t see the play they were supposed to?

1800 or Bust!: IBC? Don’t give me IBC!

All in all I hate Invasion block constructed, and it’s Apocalypse that’s done it.

1800 or Bust!: Watching Worlds

There’s something about Worlds or a Pro Tour that grabs me. Why do I spend my weekends frantically updating The Sideboard every ten minutes?

1800 or Bust!: Old Favourites

Jim’s back and he’s burning! Can his new CounterBurn deck survive the rigors of an actual tourney?

1800 or Bust!: Suicide Isn’t Painless!

What does it take for a new Suicide deck to work in Type II – or can it work at all? A little playtesting provides some answers.

1800 or Bust!: Counter Rebel on Tour, Part II

He made it… But only after losing his first two rounds. Yeowtch. How do you make a comeback like that?

1800 or Bust!: Counter Rebel On Tour, Part I

He’s been getting into shape, practicing his butt off. And now it’s the Bath tournament. How does Grimmett fare?

1800 Or Bust!: Not Enough Counters!

How many counterspells go in a CounterRebel deck? A-One… A-two… a-three. Three. Wait, that’s not nearly enough.

1800 or Bust!: How Many Colours?

Jim’s roommate:”If you build a 5-Color deck, I’ll build one too.” Then he punked out. What’s a playa to do?

1800 or Bust!: RDW2K + 1?

I wanted to play Sligh, but Fires killed it. My answer to this was to wonder how you could slow Fires down.