
AuthorJim Grimmett

James is a resident of Bath, UK and a self-confessed Magic addict. In his spare time he builds and plays rogue decks, reads books and comics, and designs and builds websites. He's attended the UK Nationals since 1998.

Double Or Nothing: One Casting Cost Goodness

“For a long time, testing seems to have shown me that four cantrips seems to be like playing an extra two lands – but am I really right?” Jim goes stat-crazy in an attempt to figure out how Opts, Peeks, and Sleight of Hands affect your draws!

Double or Nothing: Are You Bored Yet?

All right, all right; Regionals is over for you Americans. Now me, I have another shot at it, so I’ll go over some popular T2 decks… What? You want decks with Judgement in ’em? All right.

Double or Nothing: Regionals, Part 1

Unfortunately, he didn’t qualify… But a certain deck (which WASN’T ‘Tog or G/R Beats) got three slots of the Top 8. Wanna find out the results of a 109-man tourney? Jim reports.

Double or Nothing: Countdown

I called up a friend in the middle of the night to ask him:””What has Torment brought us that makes ‘Tog worse than it was?” “Hi, Jim,” was his reply. I forgot that not everybody thinks about Magic all of the time.

Double or Nothing: Sideboard Sickness

All that’s left is to start the laborious process of building a sideboard and working out your sideboard strategy. Sooner or later, you get bored and want to play other decks. You’ve got Sideboard Sickness.

Double or Nothing: Ban Tonsils!

Holed up with an inflamed throat, Jim recuperates by playing decks… A LOT of decks. And while he’s at it, he shares the deck massaging he’s done over the past two weeks.

Double Or Nothing: A Trip To The Seaside

Throughout the day, I had niggling thoughts that my deck could have been better – and I’m now convinced it could have been much better – with the addition of three red cards. How did I come in 12th?

Double or Nothing: Brand New Weenie Decks

By new, I don’t mean that I’ll show you how Peek could be replaced with Obsessive Search, or that you can fit Basking Rootwalla into a R/G deck. Here’s some new ideas for the upcoming season.

Double or Nothing: Tweaking

Tweaking isn’t as rewarding as doing really well with a fully rogue deck… But it can personalise decks, and give your opponents fits. Jim shows you the basics of this fundamental Magic concept.

1800 or Bust!: Traffic Jam

Occasionally, a deck catches your eye and you can’t leave it alone – and for Jim, that deck is Orbosition. Plus, many foily cards to the man who can rename this column!