
AuthorJim Davis

Jim Davis is a fifteen year Magic veteran with accomplishments at every level of organized play. He spent the the late 2000s playing on the Pro Tour, and after taking a few years away from the game he reemerged as one of the most accomplished players on the SCG Tour. After winning the 2015 Players' Championship Jim took on Magic full-time and now travels to events as part of Team BCW, produces content both here on Starcitygames.com and on YouTube, streams, and coaches.

Goodbye Monkey!

Having come so close multiple times, including at two Invitationals, Jim Davis finally has a trophy to put up on his shelf – and he did it by picking up an old favorite deck now that Treasure Cruise is banned in Legacy.

You Only Get ‘Em Once

First impressions are pretty huge, and Jim Davis is impressed with Fate Reforged’s first shot at Standard! See him review his overrated and underrated list from last week before you hit up #SCGIndy’s $5,000 Premier IQ!

The Hype Machine

Never one to mince words or waste time, Jim Davis tells you which cards from the new set are being far too overlooked…and which ones people need to get over already!

Brewing In Standard And Legacy

Jim Davis is always in the mood for new ideas and innovations when a new set comes out! He puts his brain to work before Fate Reforged in this exciting column. Manifest it up, Jim!

The U/W Control Primer

After his 3rd place finish at the Seattle Invitational and his recent 4th place finish at SCG Columbus with U/W Control, Jim Davis has gotten a bunch of questions about the deck. In this article he tells all before you take on the $5,000 Standard Premier IQ at #SCGPHILLY!

Manifest Destiny

Jim Davis cannot wait to throw colorless 2/2 creatures all over the battlefield! Read Jim’s analysis of the craziest of the Fate Reforged mechanics, and learn why this new keyword has a lot more going on than you think!

The Hunger Games

Join Jim Davis as he remembers one of the most unique tournaments of his life! See what it was like to be in the SCG Players’ Championship!

I Made It

Fresh off his stellar Invitational performance, Jim Davis celebrates his SCG Players’ Championship invite the only way he knows how: by staying calm and keeping his eye on the prize!

The Ole’ Bait And Switch

How do you make a broken format even more broken? Ask Jim Davis. He’s found success by taking the format’s best deck a step further! Find out how to curveball the $5,000 Premier IQ at #SCGINVI!

Get Into Game Shape

There’s a lot more to Magic success than endless playtesting and deck sketching. Jim Davis discusses the contagious nature of success and how you can use it to do your best at #SCGPORT and beyond!

Riding The Wave

Well, it’s official. This Standard is so absurdly diverse and so many new decks spawn each week that no idea is too random to dodge consideration. Jim Davis, for one, is enjoying the freedom. He puts it to work this week before #SCGATL.

A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Open Series grinder Jim Davis chronicles his recent off-time preparing for his ongoing Players’ Championship bid! See which Standard decks he’s interested in watching at #SCGRICH, as well as his thoughts on the most unique success stories from Grand Prix New Jersey!

The Vacation Cube

Jim Davis takes some refreshing R&R…&C. What’s the C stand for? Cube, of course! See how Jim is taking it easy and resting from the grind by taking all the sweet new cards from Commander 2014 and Khans of Tarkir for a sweet spin in his cube!

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

It took a few weeks, but all is finally right with the world. Birds fly. Fish swim. Jim Davis plays U/W Control. Check out his latest list so you can control #SCGCOL!

Burning Grand Prix New Jersey

Once a U/W diehard, Jim Davis has been throwing fire all over the place lately! Read his incredibly in-depth guide to effectively navigating the #SCGOAK and #GPNJ metagames with bolts and blazes!