AuthorJadine Klomparens

In Magic, Jadine Klomparens is best known for two things: exceptional Modern Jund play and articles that dive deep into the theoretical underpinnings of Magic. Her accolades include runner-up finishes at both a Grand Prix and an SCG Invitational, a host of SCG Open Top 8s, and the name Jundine bestowed on her by a loving public. She's more likely to examine the play patterns of a format staple than brew a new deck, but the analysis she does cuts deeper than any individual card or format.

Big-Picture Standard With Amonkhet

With Amonkhet entering Standard just in time for SCG Atlanta and nothing getting banned, what’s a player to do Week 1? Jadine explores the big picture of the emerging format and serves up some excellent lists for you!

Beating Standard’s Best With Amonkhet

Any Standard deck with Amonkhet cards must face down the strength of Mardu Vehicles and Four-Color Saheeli! Jadine Klomparens reveals which ones she thinks have what it takes!

The Return Of Stifle

With SCG Worcester on the horizon, all Jadine Klomparens wants to do is Stifle some fetchland activations and miracle triggers! She recaps how Legacy lost its way with Stifle and why it’s due for a comeback.

The Disappearance Of Modern Jund

Where has Modern Jund gone? It’s all but disappeared from the top tables! Can Jadine Klomparens bring Jund back for the SCG Worcester Modern Classic?

Honing Your Focus

Does your mind get cluttered when the game gets intense and complex? There are ways around that, you know! Jadine shares several here!

Fighting The Good Fight In Standard

Between the Cat Pack of Four-Color Saheeli and the stop-for-nobody aggression of Mardu Vehicles, it’s tough out there in Standard, but Jadine Klomparens has the keys to help you fight the good fight!

Class Is In Session: Vestigial Lists

Sometimes cards just keep hanging around decks when they no longer belong! Jadine Klomparens points out vestigial Standard and Modern cards and schools you on how to find and remove them ahead of SCG Dallas!

The Depth Of Magic

“Magic’s hard.” We say it all the time, often enough that we become numb to its truth. Jadine takes a deep dive into a few of her memorable matches, untangling the complicated lines of play that led to their surprise finishes!

Common Sideboarding Traps

Are you guilty of oversideboarding? How about playing into your opponent’s strategy when you sideboard? Jadine Klomparens has seen most of the mistakes players can make while sideboarding, and she shares some fixes here!

Card Flow Dynamics

Is there a topic that Jadine Klomparens can’t preach on? She’s outdone herself yet again with another new piece that will change how you view aspects of the game you should be taking a closer look at! Let’s draw some cards!

Shifting Gears To Beat Mardu Vehicles

Mardu Vehicles, seemingly left behind by the banning of Smuggler’s Copter, came roaring back at Pro Tour Aether Revolt! Jadine Klomparens explores how to beat it and puts her work into practice with two decklists!

Late-Game Control

It’s a familiar feeling: late in the game against control, with hope slipping away. But is that really cause for despair? Jadine Klomparens thinks otherwise, and she’s here to share her take!

Them’s The Breakpoints

Great players have terminology most of us have never even heard of. What is a breakpoint? How can learning this concept win you Magic games at SCG Columbus? Jadine is happy to help with your Magic education!

The Season Of Standard Combo

Jadine Klomparens returns with her take on post-bannings Standard, including the remarkable rise of combo decks…and the whys and hows of combating them!

Why Do You Play Magic?

SCG is proud to welcome Jadine Klomparens! She’s beginning her work here by asking you an important question with an equally important answer: Why do you play?