AuthorJadine Klomparens

In Magic, Jadine Klomparens is best known for two things: exceptional Modern Jund play and articles that dive deep into the theoretical underpinnings of Magic. Her accolades include runner-up finishes at both a Grand Prix and an SCG Invitational, a host of SCG Open Top 8s, and the name Jundine bestowed on her by a loving public. She's more likely to examine the play patterns of a format staple than brew a new deck, but the analysis she does cuts deeper than any individual card or format.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Walking Ballista (But Were Too Afraid To Ask)

Jadine Klomparens explains the difficult navigation of one of the most dominant Magic cards in the game right now! SCG CON and SCG Louisville’s Standard Classic await!

Beating U/W Control

You’re going to lose to Lyra sometimes. Other times? You can win! You just need the right tools, and Jadine has them! Get her expertise here!

Maintaining A Play Edge In Dominaria Standard

Standard may now be a known quantity, but it’s still a large one! How do you combat SCG Baltimore? Ask Jadine to help you, that’s how!

Building Winding Constrictor For SCG Atlanta

Jadine Klomparens knows a thing or two about Winding Constrictor! See how she’d update her favorite Snake’s surrounding crew with Dominaria cards for SCG Atlanta!

Learning Dominaria Play Patterns

Jadine puts together everything we know so far to learn what the games will actually revolve around! Dominaria Standard is coming, and this is the best place to get your head start!

Evaluating Sagas

The Sagas are completely warping how we think about cards. They’re a mix of suspend, of planeswalker, and of enchantment. Are these good? Are they too good? How can we know? Jadine takes the wheel!

Different Problem-Solving Perspectives In Magic

If you’re having trouble in Magic lately, it might be that you’re trying to solve the problem from the wrong point of view! Read Jadine’s excellent theory piece on how you can metagame, tune, and level up your way to more wins!

Answers To Modern Answers

Jadine is the epitome of a next level Magic theorist. Get your fill of some of the best Magic knowledge available on your way to SCG Cincinnati! Glorybringer? Jace? Bloodbraid? Not. A. Problem.

The Ramifications Of Bloodbraid Elf In Jund At SCG Dallas

Jund Jadine continued her love of all things Bloodbraid with a Top 8 in Texas last weekend! Today, she gives her updated guide to the deck and some important context to the controversial finish to her match with Jim Davis!

Jund Mirrors? In This Economy?

Get the knives out. It’s time to slay some sacred cows when it comes to what you think you know about piloting Jund at SCG Dallas! Jadine Klomparens teaches you to gain an edge against the other Bloodbraids in the building!

Every Trick In The Book To Beating The Scarab God

Listen: you’re going to have to figure out how to beat this card. We tasked Jadine, one of the best fundamentals writers around, to study up and bring you the guide to survival when it comes to the big bug with arms! Run for your lives!

Snakes And Ladders

Jadine Klomparens was all set to give up on Winding Constrictor in Standard, but a last-chance League changed her mind. Turns out Miley Cyrus was half-right: it’s all about what’s on the other side of Hadana’s Climb.

The Secrets Of Bloodbraid Elf

A lot of players are going to jam Bloodbraid Elf in Modern, lose, and then blame getting unlucky cascades. Jadine Klomparens teaches you how to not be one of them!

Humans: How To Beat A Deck You Think You Understand

It’s pretty simple to check a deck out and understand it, right? Aggro, control, combo. What’s so complicated? Well, competitive Magic, for one thing! Jadine explains how the Pro Tour opened her eyes in this brilliant write up!

Explore Is A Bad Midrange Mechanic

Jadine Klomparens has been a midrange mage most of the time lately, but that all changed in Philadelphia! Read about the epiphany that taught her that there’s more than one way to define Magic’s middle child!