AuthorGene Richtsmeier

Gene Richtsmeier is a frequent competitor at the top tables on the SCG Open Series circuit. He's made Top 8 of two SCG Opens, including the finals of SCG Standard Open: St. Louis.

Drinking From The Dead Guy Ale – Toolbox Loam

Hello, Legacy fans! Even with Mental Misstep in the format, Aggro Loam was an effective strategy; now, it looks even better! Generate massive card advantage and mana-screw your opponents.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – 5 Legacy decks Without Force Of Will

Legacy is such a deep format that you always have tons of options. If you feel like you can’t compete without Force of Will, Gene gives you five decks that can. So jump into Legacy now! It’s always a good time.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – A New Era Of Removal

Removal in Legacy is not just about running four Swords to Plowshares anymore. Gene Richtsmeier looks at different removal packages in Legacy for dealing with Stoneforge Mystic and Mental Misstep.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – Player’s Etiquette

Gene Richtsmeier has played in a lot of competitive events and notes its continued growth. He talks about sportsmanship and how to keep games clean and friendly and why you should.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – Mono-Black Vampires With Abyssal Persecutor

Friday, April 29 – Gene Richtsmeier has been having a lot of fun and success with Vampires of the mono-black variety. Find out why Vampires is so good in a Caw-infested metagame.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – Mono-Black Vampires With Abyssal Persecutor

Friday, April 29 – Gene Richtsmeier has been having a lot of fun and success with Vampires of the mono-black variety. Find out why Vampires is so good in a Caw-infested metagame.

Drinking from the Deadguy Ale – Making Top 8 of SCG Legacy Open: Kansas City

Tuesday, January 18th – Gene Richtsmeier made 6th place at the SCG Legacy Open in KC with a really interesting deck: B/W Tempo. Is it time to take down SCG Open: Indianapolis with Mother of Runes and Serra Avenger?