AuthorDavid McDarby

David McDarby has been playing Magic since Zendikar block and is a three-time SCG Top 8 competitor who finished in the Top 16 in the 2011 Charlotte Invitational. He is also known to become his alternate persona of Jace Beleren from time to time.

Dear Azami: Karametric Ton Of Enchantments

David McDarby concludes his stint as extended guest author of Dear Azami with a Commander deck built around Born of the Gods legend Karametra, God of Harvests.

Dear Azami: Rith The Right Attitude

In this week’s Dear Azami, David goes outside of his comfort zone to help Craig make his Rith, the Awakener Commander deck a cohesive whole.

Dear Azami: Derevi, Bird Of Command

When Renton asks for help with his durdly Derevi, Empyrial Tactician deck, David answers the call. Take a look and see what he comes up with!

Dear Azami: Wail Of A Good Time

Tune in to this week’s Dear Azami to see how David responds to Steven’s request to make his Horobi, Death’s Wail deck funnier and more chaotic!

Commander Versus: Jaya Ballard vs. Varolz

Check out this Commander Versus battle between Glenn with Varolz, the Scar-Striped & David with Jaya Ballard, Task Mage!

Commander Versus: Melek vs. Tolsimir

In this Versus video, David battles with Melek, Izzet Paragon against Danny with Tolsimir Wolfblood. Check it out!

Dear Azami: Thanksgiving Edition

In this special installment of Dear Azami, David McDarby fills in for our usual hosts and tweaks Daniel’s Nekusar, the Mindrazer to his tastes.

Commander Versus: Oloro vs. Marath

Watch as David and Danny show off two more of the Commander 2013 decks, Eternal Bargain and Nature of the Beast!

Commander Versus: Maelstrom Wanderer vs. Thraximundar

Welcome to the first edition of Commander Versus! This week features the iconic Maelstrom Wanderer, master of tempo and beatings versus everyone’s favorite mass murdering Zombie, Thraximundar.

McDarby vs. Kenny: Battle of Wits vs. Jund Midrange

Get ready for Standard at #SCGRICH & #SCGMI this weekend by watching this fun battle between Kenny & McDarby!

Resurrecting Solar Flare

David McDarby goes over the Solar Flare deck he played to 10th place at SCG Standard Open: Washington, DC. Check it out for SCG Standard Open: Kansas City!

Spatial Ectofractalyzers And You

Join two-time SCG Open finalist David McDarby as he celebrates Izzet Week by going over what the blue-red guild can offer you in Standard, Legacy, and Commander!

Sneaky Secrets In D.C.

David McDarby almost made a double Top 8 appearance in Washington DC, reaching 5th in Standard and 10th in Legacy with U/W Delver and Sneak and Show. Read about his experiences with both decks and why you should play them.

A Tale Of Two Formats *16th*

David McDarby, often seen walking around as Jace, almost made Top 8 of the Invitational with Wolf Run Ramp and RUG CounterTop. His amusing tournament report is enlightening and entertaining.