AuthorDavid Heilker

David Heilker (also called Dave Rockstar by himself and approximately no one else) is a devastatingly mediocre Magic player. He has accomplished nothing worth noting, except when he fumbled his way to the Top 8 of an SCG Open once and a PTQ where Lauren Lee beat him. He is terrifyingly handsome.

War of Worldcraft – Episode IV: We’re Supposed To Be Building a World, Right?

In this episode of War of Worldcraft, Dave Heilker introduces us to Murask, Queen of the Viashino.

War Of Worldcraft – Episode III: That Feel

In this edition of War Of Worldcraft, Dave thinks the mechanic he highlighted last time, clout, might just be too good. He explores other options and continues to ask for your input to help build Azathu!

War Of Worldcraft – Episode II: Believe It!

Dave continues to explore worldbuilding and flavor in fantasy, moving forward with Azathu after giving Ciesta a proper send-off. Between new mechanics, card designs, and narrative arcs, you won’t want to miss today’s treat!

War Of Worldcraft – Episode One

Want to learn more about the creative process for developing a game like Magic? Then join David Heilker as he demonstrates the development process while he creates his own worlds for Magic with your input!

Feature Article – Give ‘Em Hell, Kid

Grand Prix GP Columbus July 30-August 1, 2010
Monday, July 26th – I’m honestly not entirely sure what AJ Sacher was trying to accomplish in his article, but I have my guesses. I’m not offended by it, nor am I terribly insulted by it. The overarching message I got from it was “deconstruct the best decks, and put them back together instead of just reading decklists,” or something along those lines.