
AuthorDaniel Crane

Daniel Crane's first Magic deck was about 120 cards, control-heavy, and had the amazing Unstable Shapeshifter/Phyrexian Dreadnought combo. Over the next five years, most of Daniel's decks have changed only in card count. One tournament-worthy deck, a binder, and loads of casual decks keep him in the game and provide the fuel for his writing at Star City that has endured for more than three years.

Prove That I’m Human, Win The Greatest Prize Ever

That’s right, I’m offering a completely unique contest. did just such a thing, and his article has remained on the front page for ages. It’s become a staple of StarCityCCG. I wonder if the editor himself might have something to do with that . . . Nevertheless, I have decided to run a mini contest…

Trading, Part II

Greetings once again! My faithful readers will remember an article of mine posted over a month ago: The original Trading. In it, I forecast that I might write another article about more broad topics than my personal endeavors in trading. Well, here I am, ready to write. Recently, Sean Erik Ponce wrote an article about…

A Thousand Monkeys At A Thousand Typewriters

"It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than any I have ever known." These are perhaps my favorite lines in literature, uttered by Sydney Carton at the end of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles…

Two Wrongs Make A Right

Last week, I said good-bye to our former editor-in-chief of StarCity, . This week, I’m saying hello to our NEW editor-in-chief, the Ferrett. Welcome aboard! And now, on to the meat of the article. Okay, now: I want everyone to think of their favorite color to play in Magic. (Thinking of green in all of…

Past And Future

I entered Star City Comics & Games for the first time. I walked into the smallish room that’s now used as storage or accounting or something. There were a handful of people there ready to compete in the weekly Type II tournament. I was packing my only deck: a Blue/White control deck featuring TONS of…


Hey, look at me! I’m the only guy on the ‘net who’s not writing about ! I was planning to, but I didn’t want to bore you all with just someone else’s opinion about the set. And, I especially didn’t want to subject you to MY opinion. (Just a little humility there, that’s all.) Well,…

Magical Magic

The island was concentric with a central mountain. Surrounding the mountain was a forest with a swampy floor. The plains on the rim of the island swayed with yellow grass. The land was charged with all five colors of magic. On the summit of the mountain, four figures stood. Xanathar, Dark Lord of the Realm…

New Attitudes

I think you’ll all agree that I’m a pretty efficient fellow (and, even if you wouldn’t, there’s nothing you can do about it, because I’M writing this article). That statement is proven by the title you so generously clicked upon; you see, I’m actually talking about two things in this article: the NEW StarCityCCG.com and…

Resource Management

There are several ways to rate a card. You might think about how a card interacts with other cards or how it fits into a deck. However, when looking at, say, a brand new card without any clue how the metagame will be affected by the other cards in the set, you can’t use these…

Good & Bad: Installation II

Hello again from the recently distraught Lawyer. Recently, I’ve suffered computer problems resulting in no access to the Internet since Tuesday and a complete erasure of my hard drive and an illness that put me in the hospital for a while. So, as you can imagine, I’m a little out of touch with the Magic…

Good & Bad: Installation I

Greetings, all my loyal fans and longtime readers. And hello to the rest of you that aren’t the six people mentioned above. Over the next few installations of "Unnamed Column," I’ll be discussing certain Magic cards which are bad despite popular belief. Similarly, I’ll be talking about how good cards are often slighted when it…

Conglomerate Mess

Greetings, Magic players out there in E-Land. It’s time for another addition from your favorite author! (I think Omeed posted something today…) But seriously, if you’re reading this, you’re probably going to read the rest; bonus points for you! "So," you’re asking yourself. "What’s he going to write about today?" That’s a very good question,…

Rogue Green (?)

Greetings, all, and prepare to not only be entertained by my witty humor, but educated by my masterful deckwork {insert sitcom laughter} {wiping away tear}. No, seriously. Today’s article comes straight from the brain of StarCityCCG.com’s President, ! I can see him blushing now. 🙂 He suggested that his loyal servants… er, informative writers write…


The Rath Cycle. What do those words instigate into your minds? What if I say "power rares in the Rath Cycle?" Immediately, I’m sure most you start thinking , , , , , … The list goes on and on. Now, what about when I say "power rares in Nemesis?" Umm… ? Erm… ? Ehh……

Dark Ritual Banned: How Will We Cope?

For those of you who don’t know {laughter}, and have been banned in Extended. Normally, this would mean just about as much to me as the going price for chicken feed in Afghanistan, but I know it’ll affect a lot of people out there, so I thought I’d give my two cents. Two cents I…