AuthorCollins Mullen

Collins Mullen has been playing Magic the Gathering since Theros. He earned an SCG Tour Invitational Top 8 and runner-up finish at Grand Prix Washington DC before reaching Modern superstardom by bringing Five-Color Humans to the forefront of Modern with an undefeated finish at SCG Cincinnati.

My Top 5 Standard Archetypes For SCG Atlanta

When SCG Tour standout Collins Mullen speaks, it’s wise to listen! Today, the man who put Humans on the Modern map gives his Top 5 Standard archetypes for SCG Atlanta competitors to consider!

Coach Collins: How To Find The Best Line

Collins Mullen has put on his coaching cap! Today he shares his three-step approach to finding the best line in a situation. Hint: it’s probably not the first one you thought of…

What Are We Overlooking In Dominaria?

Just because some cards aren’t flashy doesn’t mean that they won’t end up in tournament-winning decks! Collins Mullen takes a moment to highlight several Dominaria cards the community may have overlooked!

Updating Humans For SCG Milwaukee

Lots of Humans players out there! Collins Mullen, one of our favorite humans, is here to champion your parish with good, smart updates to the archetype! Every reader, writer, and fool stands for you, Collins. And you stand for them.

Prepare To Die

It’s time to sit down and have a nice, honest conversation. Collins Mullen wants to keep the game honest, and to do that, we may need to admit something nobody has been willing to talk about. What are your thoughts, community?

Underrated Modern Decks For SCG Cincinnati

Everything and anything is possible in Modern right now! Grand Prix and SCG Tour results show that Bloodbraid Elf and Jace changed things, but the format is as diverse as ever! Check out a few lists Collins likes for catching opponents by surprise!

Bomat Burn

Collins Mullen is now notorious for his inventions and innovations, and no card is off limits! See the new Burn list he’s testing out with a Standard mainstay you’ve come to love!

Surprises After The Modern Unbannings

With Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf unbanned in Modern, it’s no surprise the weekend’s tournament-winning decks were…G/W Hexproof and Colorless Eldrazi?! Collins Mullen examines the newly empowered archetypes and the decks poised to beat them at SCG Dallas!

Top 6 Tips For Better Tournament Play

Becoming a great Magic player takes a lot of time and hard work. In the meantime, if you want to improve your results now, Collins Mullen is serving up his Top 6 Tips for better tournament play!

Pillage And Plunder Standard!

The Pirates may have gotten the least attention in Rivals of Ixalan preview season, but it ain’t over yet! Collins Mullen gathers a crew and sets sail on SCG Dallas Standard here!

Merfolk Mastery

The multitudinous Merfolk of Rivals of Ixalan have Collins Mullen brewing up a storm! Get his takes on specific high-profile cards and check out his decklists for Standard and Modern dominance at SCG Dallas!

Control Yourself

There’s another type of control in Magic that we usually don’t think about: self control! Collins Mullen explains how to master the art of always playing the best form of control when you’re playing tournament Magic!

The Evolution Of Modern, 2017 Edition

It’s hard to remember just how different Modern was at the start of the year! Collins Mullen shows the many ways the format evolved in 2017 and sets the stage for SCG Columbus!

The Duelist’s Code: What Would You Do? Eight Case Studies

Tournament Magic presents more than just tough gameplay decisions. Sometimes, moral and ethical dilemmas also appear. Collins Mullen presents eight case studies from his and others’ experiences. What would you do? What would he have done?

What Sort Of Mistake Did You Make?

Learning from one’s mistakes? Good. Trying to remember every mistake one makes? That only distracts from what really matters. Collins Mullen has your classification guide to mistakes and the best ways to learn from them!