
AuthorCarsten Kotter

Carsten is a Magic player from Germany and what people call an "Eternal specialist." He's a member of Team CAB, has won several pieces of Power playing Vintage, and pioneered Meandeck Gifts and Control Slaver. He also enjoys Legacy!

Eternal Europe – The Rise Of The Linears

Linear decks have become very prevalent in Legacy. Carsten Kötter explains what exactly linear decks are and suggests strategies for beating them. Prepare to beat decks like Storm and Dredge at StarCityGames.com Open: Memphis.

Eternal Europe: A Saturday’s Worth Of Thoughts

Carsten talks about the decklist that let him go 5-0 at a local tournament. He’s never lost to a U/W Stoneblade deck with his deck that uses Squadron Hawk and Brainstorms to create Ancestral Recalls.

Eternal Europe – Deckbuilding The Easy Way

Carsten Kotter covers a fundamental technique of deckbuilding: the slot-based method. He uses examples from past and current decks; it’s a great resource for new and old deckbuilders alike!

Eternal Europe – Legacy Fundamentals

To truly understand Legacy, one must get at its fundamentals: what makes it tick and what makes decks viable in it. Carsten Kotter covers these for both new and old players.

Eternal Europe – Entering Legacy For $500 Or Less

If you want to break into Legacy without breaking the bank, this article is for you. These six decks are competitive but easy on the wallet.

Hating Non-Linear Strategies

How do you deal with non-linear strategies in Legacy? All the Brainstorms and Jaces seem to be taking over, but is there something the metagame is missing?

Eternal Europe – Adopting Abandoned Interactions

Carsten has had Standard standout Unburial Rites on his mind for Legacy—check out some Eternal brews featuring the unique reanimation spell! Feel free to pick one out for the Legacy Open this weekend in St. Louis.

Eternal Europe – To Ban Or Not To Ban, That Is The Question

It seems that every few weeks we have the same discussion popping up in Legacy. To ban or not to ban? Is Brainstorm better off gone? Voice your opinion.

Eternal Europe – Autodestruct In Amsterdam

Which emotional state helps our game? Which one disrupts it? How do you stop from self-destructing? Carsten Kotter talks about his experience at GP Amsterdam and the life lessons he learned.

Eternal Europe – The Ultimate Legacy Compendium

The Legacy pool of decks is huge, and this article covers them all. If you’re attending GP Amsterdam or the Legacy Baltimore Open, this article can’t be missed. Find out what you’ll be facing and who knows—maybe even a deck to play!

Eternal Europe – That Time Of The Year

Carsten takes a look at some of the interesting things that can be done with the new set and works through the formats, from Standard all the way up to Vintage, to see how some of the new cards can be put to work.

Eternal Europe – Hybrids: The Future, Today?

Carsten Kotter predicts that in a year or two, Legacy will not have any viable linear-strategy decks. It’s not just Mental Misstep’s fault either! Read why hybrid is the way of the future.

Eternal Europe – Yawgmoth’s Heir

If you’re looking for the deck with the most raw power in the format, Reanimator is your choice in Legacy at the moment. Phyrexian end bosses are just that good.

Eternal Europe: Fair New World

Carsten Kotter examines the role of Modern in today’s Magic formats. What gap is it filling? Also, check out some neat control/combo decks to get you started.

Eternal Europe – Post-NPH Legacy Baselines

Legacy is not an easy format to plan for given its numerous viable deck choices. Carsten helps you by outlining the general strategies that form the baselines for Legacy, the limiting factors of the format, if you will.