
AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

How To Win The SCG CON Winter $10,000 Cube Draft

Eight players. One Cube. $10,000 in prizes. If you dream of walking away with the trophy, this article from playtester Emma Handy is a must-read!

Modern’s Hate Cards: What People Get Wrong

SCG Baltimore Modern is going to have some decks that are very powerful but also very vulnerable to hate! Emma explains how to leverage your answers in a way to keep the game in your favor! If you think you can just drop that Rest in Peace and win, guess again!

Breaking Burn In Modern

Burn has been right at the cusp of the top since Modern first premiered! Emma Handy has made no secret of her love of Bolts lately, and this is her full breakdown of how to ride the fire to victory!

The Standard Decks That Matter For SCG Vegas

It’s been said some, but it really needs to be repeated: The Top 8 does not make up the format! This is one of the most unusual top 8s, relative to the reality of the format–cough, Tempered Steel, cough–and Emma Handy wants you to get it right this weekend!

Addressing Common Mistakes In Standard

Emma saw way too many players make way too many mistakes against her Golgari deck at SCG Charlotte’s Standard Classic. Today she’s here to fix your Golgari game!

Calling My Modern Shot For SCG Charlotte

Emma has ruled What We’d Play with her on-point metagame predictions! Today, a bit earlier than usual, she reveals her Modern deck for SCG Charlotte!

Beating Golgari With Each Color

Emma has been working on the same thing you are: beating Golgari at the SCG Dallas Standard Classic! Fortunately for you, she’s gotten plenty far, and she’s sharing all her findings for your big weekend events!

The Pillars Of Guilds Of Ravnica

Guilds of Ravnica Standard is getting rave reviews so far, but some of the top tier of the card pool is already rising to the top! Emma breaks down the cards that all the best decks will be packing!

Ranking Guilds Of Ravnica Split Cards

Emma Handy ranks the split cards of Guilds of Ravnica! Which will struggle to find a home, and which may see success in Standard?

Going Over The Top Of Guilds Of Ravnica

Get ready to ramp at SCG Columbus! This set has prepared the Magic world to go bigger and better, and the aggro decks on the bottom had better watch out! Emma explains all here!

Militia Bugler Is Actually Great

Guess what? The world has been so obsessed with debating The Bugler in Humans that they forgot he’s Standard-legal! Emma Handy finds ways to abuse the infamous Soldier with Guilds of Ravnica!

How To Beat Assassin’s Trophy

We’re weeks out, but somehow Emma has next leveled pre-existing Standard! Today she gives you a few options for beating the most powerful card from Guilds of Ravnica!

Teferi Will Not Dominate Guilds Of Ravnica Standard

Well, that’s good news! No, really though, Emma is laying out the reasons your fears of a world ruled by Teferi are way out of line. So that in mind, what will dominate new Standard?

How To Beat Red With B/U Midrange

If anyone knows how it’s done, it’s Emma! The most recent Standard Classic champion is sharing all her gameplans for taking down The Chainwhirler, himself!

So You Want To Check Out Paradoxical Outcome

It’s not just for Vintage anymore! Emma Handy explains how to build, play, and theorize with Sai and his toys! The Thopters have booked their flights to SCG Dallas!