AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Unwinding Lotus Cobra’s Arrival In Zendikar Rising

Lotus Cobra is slithering into Zendikar Rising Standard, Historic, and Pioneer. Carmen Handy brews around the mana-boosting Snake in all three formats.

Is Mono-Green Devotion The Deck To Beat In Pioneer?

What’s the deck to play in Pioneer? Seven SCG creators weigh in, advocating decks from Mono-Green Devotion to Boros Burn (Lurrus) and beyond.

Field Of The Dead Is Banned In Historic. Now What?

With the Magic: The Gathering Mythic Invitational looming, Historic deck choice has never mattered more. Seven SCG creators say what they’d play.

Getting To Work On God-Pharaoh’s Gift In Historic

God-Pharaoh’s Gift returns in Historic with the release of Amonkhet Remastered, but what’s the best way to build it? Carmen Handy intends to find out!

So… What’s The Best Deck In Historic?

Amonkhet Remastered has broken the Historic metagame wide open, and our panel of experts are here to provide their picks for the format’s best deck!

13 Decks To Jumpstart Amonkhet Remastered Historic

Amonkhet Remastered will give Historic yet another shake-up! Carmen Handy has a baker’s dozen of brews to take advantage of the new set.

What’s The Historic Deck To Beat For The Historic Arena Open?

Five SCG creators, five suggestions for the Historic Arena Open! Will you go with one of their powerful picks or make your own path?

Optimizing Kethis Combo In Historic For This Weekend’s Arena Open

Carmen Handy made Mythic on MTG Arena with her spin on Kethis Combo in Historic! The Rivals member breaks down her list card-by-card.

Attacking Core Set 2021 Standard With Esper Doom Foretold (Yorion)

With Wilderness Reclamation as a clear target in Standard, it’s time to take a shot! Carmen Handy shows you how to add Doom Foretold to your quiver.

18 Decklists To Jumpstart Historic

The Jumpstart release has the potential to shake up Historic even more than a banning! Carmen Handy offers over a dozen decklists using the new cards.

Should WotC Unban Something In The July 13th Banned & Restricted Announcement?

The banhammer will fall four times on Monday. What should go? What will go? And will anything return? Dom Harvey, Ari Lax, and Carmen Handy weigh in!

Is Pioneer Really Just Dimir Inverter Or Bust?

Dimir Inverter is a Pioneer powerhouse, but it’s not your only option! Five SCG creators weigh in on their Pioneer decks of choice.

Discontinuity Has Made Simic Nexus Historic’s Best Deck

Rivals member Carmen Handy is calling her shot in Historic! Why does she think Simic Nexus is the only rational choice for the format?

Breaking The Turn Cycle With Discontinuity

What happens when Time Stop meets Sundial of the Infinite? Discontinuity, a card that’s begging to be broken! Carmen Handy shows how.

Can Anything Top Temur Reclamation In Ikoria Standard?

Ikoria Standard isn’t done yet! What would World Champion PVDDR and five more SCG creators pilot this weekend?