AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Sideboarding With Bant Company

Emma Handy is part of the Bant Company problem. And she doesn’t care a bit! If you want to play a deck you know can get the job done at #SCGBALT, Emma is here to help you do it right!

The Headscratchers Of Eldritch Moon

Emma Handy is working on #SCGCOL weekend! We’ve heard a lot the big contenders, but because of Eldritch Moon’s high power, we may see some strange decks at the top this weekend! Emma breaks down the possibilities!

Standardized Testing

With #SCGCOL on the horizon, it’s tough to bridge the Standard we know with the unknowns that are coming up. Fortunately, Emma has some great advice to give you an edge when it comes to picturing Eldritch Moon Standard!

Beating Players That Are Better Than You

Emma Handy joins the SCG writing family and helps you accomplish something we all need to do sometimes in order to win at major events: beat great players! Be ready to take on the best at #SCGWOR tomorrow!

Just Play Rally The Ancestors!

If not for a close tiebreaker, Emma Handy would’ve done what most people expected someone to do at #SCGATL: put a Four-Color Rally deck into the top 8! Read Emma’s take on the deck and find out why she fully expects it to prevail at #SCGCOL!