AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Cramming For #SCGKNOX

Emma Handy is excited for #SCGKNOX! Only one problem: She hasn’t played the format in a month! A lot has changed, but she knows exactly what to do when you can’t get caught up in time for the tournament! Find out here!

Leaving Bread Crumbs: Lines And Signals In Legacy

Many players think of games in terms of taking lines of play, but what about lines that mislead your opponents on purpose? Emma Handy has an excellent piece that can only help you for #SCGBALT this weekend!

The Mind During A Feature Match

Emma Handy spent part of her SCG Tour on camera recently! If you want to know what it’s like to be a part of the feature match area, here you go! What plays would you have made in Emma’s seat?

The Mind During A Feature Match

Emma Handy spent part of her SCG Tour on camera recently! If you want to know what it’s like to be a part of the feature match area, here you go! What plays would you have made in Emma’s seat?

Utilizing Shortcuts

Magic games get complicated. If you overthink it, you’ll never survive! Join Emma Handy as she gives you tips to get through the complex turns a little bit more easily!

Taking A Breather

Emma Handy was at Grand Prix Atlanta, but she wasn’t playing in the main event. So what’s the deal? Emma reveals her secret when it comes to overcoming Magic burnout!

Team Nexus And Metalwork Colossus

Emma Handy and her team had a great weekend at #SCGINDY! What’s more is that many of them had a fascinating artifact build! Emma talks about the future of the strategy here!

Updating Modern Decks With Kaladesh

Standard may be the big fresh format heading into #SCGINDY weekend, but don’t forget that Modern is still waiting in the wings! Which archetypes could use a quick Kaladesh tweak? Emma weighs in!

The Most Important Cards That Are Rotating

It’s not enough to think about new cards and rotating cards; you have to think about existing cards that have been liberated by the rotation! See what’s no longer being oppressed in new Standard!

Kaladesh Hot Takes

Everyone loves calling the new set shots, but few are willing go as deep as Emma Handy this week! She’s got predictions on new artifacts, new counterspells, and…cargo shorts? Sure, why not!

Building A Better Bogle

Modern is a proactive format, huh? It doesn’t get much more proactive that suiting up a one-drop into a giant monster that can’t be touched! Emma talks about her evolution of the traditional hexproof archetype for the #SCGRICH Classic!

Achieving Mastery

Emma Handy hits another home run for anyone trying to become better at Magic! This week, she’s back with advice on how to make great decisions in the face of “The Clock,” Magic’s omnipresent third player!

Four Approaches To Deck Selection

Tournament preparation isn’t just about playtesting. Your Constructed events actually begin when you pick your deck! Emma Handy does this on a weekly basis, and she’s got advice for doing so at #SCGINVI and every event beyond!

Proper Sequencing

Want to know how great players steal wins where most players would get losses? A lot of it comes down to small advantages in sequencing their plays! And Emma Handy is ready to demonstrate this critical Magic concept for you before #SCGNY!

The Magic Sampler

When Emma Handy is on the road for The SCG Tour®, she loves to dine! So pull up a chair at the table and have a sit down! She’s got lots of different Magic appetizers to hold you over at #SCGRegionals!