AuthorBrian DeMars

Brian DeMars lives in Michigan and has been playing Magic since 1995. He is a Vintage specialist and the creator of the "Danger Room" format.

Legacy Avant-Garde: BUG Is Not A Shard, It’s Shardless

Brian DeMars stumbled upon a Planechase card that inspired him to build a deck around it: Shardless Agent. He recommends giving his Shardless BUG Control deck a try at the SCG Legacy Open in Kansas City.

Modern Avant-Garde – Ban’t Catch A Break: 9th At GP Columbus

Brian DeMars got 9th at GP Columbus, just missing out on Top 8 by breakers. He tells you about the Bant deck he played and gives you the information you need to play it yourself at your next Modern tournament.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Martello Shops vs. RUG Delver

Brian DeMars, who finished 9th at GP Columbus this past weekend, writes a matchup analysis and provides a play-by-play walkthrough of a match between two recently successful Vintage decks: Martello Shops and RUG Delver.

Vintage Avant-Garde – M13 Vintage Set Review

Brian DeMars reveals the Magic 2013 cards he is most excited about for Vintage, labeling each of them Vintage Staple, Vintage Playable, Vintage Fringe, or Vintage Far-Fringe.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Rebuilding Griselbrand Oath

Brian DeMars is surprised Griselbrand hasn’t been tearing up Vintage the way he anticipated it might, so he has rethought how to best take advantage of him in the current Vintage metagame with his Griselbrand Oath deck.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Summer Is Coming…

After taking a break in his last article, Brian DeMars is back to talking about Vintage. He covers news, results, and technology from tournaments that took place in May and makes some predictions for this summer’s metagame.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Enter The Danger Room

This week Brian DeMars has something a little different in store for you. He shares new casual format he came up with called The Danger Room that he has been enjoying with his friends.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Grudge Match V Results

How is the Vintage metagame shaping up since the release of Avacyn Restored? Brian DeMars takes a look at nine awesome and incredibly diverse decklists from last weekend’s Grudge Match V in New York.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Avacyn Restored For Vintage

If you’re a fan of Vintage, then be sure to check out Brian DeMars’ Avacyn Restored set review! Read his thoughts on what miracle cards and others from the new set will shake up this Eternal format.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Spring Decks You Might Have Missed

Eternal expert Brian DeMars takes a look at a few rogue Vintage decks that have been seeing success lately. Learn what new trends are popping up and perhaps find a new deck to try at your next Vintage event.

Vintage Avant-Garde – Answering Permanents And Why You Must

Brian "Nostrademars" DeMars has been making good on a lot of his predictions for the Vintage metagame lately. He has his list of the five best spells currently and decklists for two new brews: Vintage Control and Midrange Bant.

Vintage Avant-Garde: Mishra’s Workshop Strikes Back

Espresso Stax took the top two spots at the March NEV Series Vintage Tournament. Brian DeMars goes over why these Mishra’s Workshop decks were successful and why you should watch out for them in the future.

Vintage Avant-Garde – A Vintage Deck That Doesn’t BUG Me

Vintage Avant-Garde is back! Brian DeMars discusses Paul Mastriano’s Meandeck BUG Fish list which recently made Top 8 at the Grudge Match in New Jersey. He tells you why he thinks it’s well positioned in the current Vintage metagame.

Fought Hard And Lost Anyway, Jund Pod At PT Dark Ascension

Brian DeMars shares his unique Jund Birthing Pod deck that he piloted at Pro Tour Dark Ascension. He goes over important lessons that he learned in both the Constructed and Draft portions in Honolulu.

Dark Ascension Set Review: Part Two

Brian DeMars and Mark Hornung wrap up their Vintage set review with Grafdigger’s Cage, Gravecrawler, Tragic Slip, and some other surprising candidates.