This Week In MTG News
Brian Braun-Duin brings you the Magic news that matters most. Or least. Either way, he has news. From WotC leaks to the censorship issues in Magic Online chats, BBD has it all hilariously covered!
Brian Braun-Duin brings you the Magic news that matters most. Or least. Either way, he has news. From WotC leaks to the censorship issues in Magic Online chats, BBD has it all hilariously covered!
No cameras? No problem! BBD still finally took down an Open Series event, and he did it in crazy fashion. See his ridiculous weekend recap, complete with the worst game of Magic he has ever played!
Lands has been increasing in Legacy popularity over the weeks, and nobody has championed the deck more than Chris Andersen. BBD tries the deck out to see if it’s success is going to continue!
You want #SCGINVI testing? You got it! Standard has too many decks to keep up with in your gauntlet, so you’d better get a little help from your VS Video friends!
Control. Aggro. There can only be one. Tom and BBD are at each other’s throats to find out who will prevail in the battle of classic Magic paradigm as we approach #SCGDEN!
BBD and Brad Nelson know their Standard Magic, and they’re dropping the knowledge on you! Will #SCGDEN be won by one of these recently popular strategies? Or will it be a dark horse?
We’ve got two Legacy experts and we’ve got one day before Legacy takes over the weekend at #SCGNJ! Don’t be caught unprepared! Watch these two wrestle the format (and each other) in this week’s latest VS Video!
Legacy is the format of the moment as we head into #SCGNJ! Learn how to Daze properly, to combo properly, to disrupt properly from two of the best in the business!
Though it took them a while to get going, there’s no doubt that the Eldrazi are now upon Standard! See BBD take Tyler Barnett’s recently successful list through a few rounds of #SCGKC testing!
These two archetypes have some pretty strong matchups in the current metagame, but which of them triumphs against the another? BBD and Tom Ross investigate #SCGKC in their latest video!
BBD has been on the Miracles train for a while and he knows what it needs to succeed. See how he’d avoid the most common pitfalls of the deck were he playing in the $5,000 Legacy Premier IQ at #SCGKC!
BBD and Tom Ross know their way around Standard, and they want to show you how #SCGKC is going to go down! Check out their matchup between the established contender and the new rogue brew on the block!
A lot of players feared Jeskai Black, G/W Megamorph, and Atarka Red would be all Standard had to offer. Fortunately, that’s becoming less true every week! See BBD and Tom Ross clash with these two recent standouts before #SCGPHILLY!
Everyone is pumped up for Modern this weekend at #SCGDFW! Is combo more your style? Or are you trying to punish slow starts with aggro? BBD and Tom Ross test these strategies so you know what to expect tomorrow!
G/W Megamorph has been slipping in popularity recently, but BBD thinks that’s a bunch of nonsense. Read his thorough guide to playing the deck at #SCGDFW’s $5,000 Premier IQ!