AuthorBrennan DeCandio

A fifteen-year Magic veteran, Brennan DeCandio is one of the only three SCG Tour players to win back-to-back Opens. After multiple Pro Tour appearances, he now spends his time streaming Magic daily and collecting trophies by dominating on the SCG Tour circuit.

Is It Time To Ban Attune With Aether And Aether Hub?

When almost half the decks at a Pro Tour are playing two specific cards as four-ofs, something’s not right! Brennan DeCandio dives into the Pro Tour Ixalan results ahead of Grand Prix Atlanta!

Musings From The Sidelines

Brennan DeCandio isn’t at the Pro Tour this time, but he’s still itching for Standard action! Get his thoughts on the decks he hopes will flourish in Albuquerque!

Deathrite And DC

Brennan DeCandio likes the chatter about banning Deathrite Shaman roughly as much as he does the idea of a Modern Pro Tour! Today he highlights the ways the do-it-all Elf might see action at SCG Washington DC!

Modern: The Worst It’s Ever Been?

*Record scratch* It seems Brennan DeCandio doesn’t share Shaun McLaren’s opinion about Modern being the best it’s ever been! In fact, he’s here with a special plea to Wizards of the Coast: don’t ruin Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan!

Modern Mayhem

Brennan DeCandio is refocusing on Modern! With a vast array of possible decklists, he’s looking to the new blood provided by Ixalan. Is Merfolk Branchwalker in his future? Search for Azcanta? SCG Charlotte is for certain!

Gifted Thinking

Brennan DeCandio gives his take on Esper Gift, the deck he took to the Top 8 of the Standard Open at SCG Dallas!

Information Overload For SCG Dallas

Brennan DeCandio has joined Standard League after Standard League on Magic Online, hoping to find the perfect Standard deck for SCG Dallas! And while he doesn’t have all the answers just yet, he’s happy to share what he’s learned so far!

Devising Decks For SCG Dallas

Brennan DeCandio is ready to return to the SCG Tour! His brain is bubbling over with brilliance, and he’s holding nothing back! Is that a God-Pharaoh’s Gift deck he’s testing for SCG Dallas?

Ixalan Mechanics And Role-Players

Hurricane Irma might be keeping Brennan DeCandio from traveling to SCG Louisville, but that just means he has more time to scour the Ixalan previews! Get his takes on the set’s mechanics and underrated cards!

Lions And Tigers And Dinosaurs, Oh My!

Brennan DeCandio has a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore! But it’s not Oz we’re wandering about. Ixalan has Dinosaurs stomping about, and winged Monkeys have nothing on Ripjaw Raptors…

Supersized Standard’s Last Hurrah

Brennan DeCandio is heading to Washington DC in search of a Pro Tour invite after his quest in Florida came up just short! Get his advice on possible Standard decks in this eight-set format’s last big shindig!

I Bring You Gifts!

Brennan DeCandio is all about this Standard deck! You can keep your red aggro decks and your Zombies; Brennan is all about this archetype! Learn to play it properly for the upcoming Grand Prix Washington DC weekend!

Standard Qualifier Qualms And Modern Midrange

Brennan DeCandio’s upcoming Regional Pro Tour Qualifier has Standard at the forefront of his mind! But he hasn’t forgotten SCG Richmond and Modern, either. Get his picks for both formats, and good luck to all battling this weekend and beyond!

Giving Up The Grafwidow

Brennan DeCandio is practically synonymous with Delirium in Standard. So what made him give up Ishkanah, Grafwidow for Pro Tour Hour of Devastation? Can she draw him back into her web at the SCG Syracuse Classic?

Giving Up The Grafwidow

Brennan DeCandio is practically synonymous with Delirium in Standard. So what made him give up Ishkanah, Grafwidow for Pro Tour Hour of Devastation? Can she draw him back into her web at the SCG Syracuse Classic?