AuthorBrennan DeCandio

A fifteen-year Magic veteran, Brennan DeCandio is one of the only three SCG Tour players to win back-to-back Opens. After multiple Pro Tour appearances, he now spends his time streaming Magic daily and collecting trophies by dominating on the SCG Tour circuit.

Leaving A Legacy

Brennan DeCandio wants another two in a row. He wants an SCG Tour win in every format. And to do that, he’s got to Legacy this weekend! Check out the decks he has his eye on to battle with!

I Got The Last Laugh!

Despite what you may think, Brennan DeCandio doesn’t hate Modern. After all, it just gave him his third SCG Tour trophy! Get his new updates for the deck and what you can do to port it to Legacy for SCG Worcester!

Modern’s Last Hurrah

Brennan DeCandio might not have enjoyed playing this Modern format, but as a viewer he’ll be sad to see it go! And that’s what has him puzzled about the timing of the effective date of the recent unbannings as he considers the old Modern’s last hurrah!

The Best Deck In Standard Right Now

Brennan DeCandio is putting up killer results online with this list! If you’re all about Standard, you need to have this archetype on your radar ASAP!

How To Play Grixis Energy…And How To Beat It

Brennan DeCandio makes no apologies for his SCG Philadelphia finish with Grixis Energy in Standard! Today he shares his secrets for success with the deck…and the tools you can use to knock it out!

Of Monsters And Magic

Brennan DeCandio had an excellent weekend at SCG Dallas, but he’s not done yet! He’s hitting the road to SCG Philly! Here, he goes over his explosive Monsters deck and if he’d have the courage to run it back!

The Best Standard In Years

Count Brennan DeCandio as optimistic that SCG Dallas will show us a whole new Standard world! He has decks, decklists, and more to help you on your way to the new season!

Preparing For Next Weekend’s Dallas Standard

Next weekend will be SCG Dallas, a team event. That means some new form of Standard will be on display, and Brennan DeCandio has an excellent early start on the new strats!

Can Rivals Of Ixalan Save Standard?

Brennan DeCandio wants to believe Rivals of Ixalan will save Standard from Energy’s stranglehold! Today he uses the previews he’s seen to craft new versions of Merfolk, Pirates, and more!

Looking Ahead To 2018

Brennan DeCandio has plenty to look forward to in 2018! From his new team to the possibilities of the SCG Tour, he’s ready to give Magic (and the fine art of traveling to tournaments) all he has in the New Year!

Dear Santa: Please Fix Standard

Brennan DeCandio has had it with this supposedly “fixed” Standard format! Plus, get his take on a Modern deck that buries its foes in one-sided fun!

Bringing The Fun Back To Modern

Brennan DeCandio may have had success in Modern, but the joy is fading! He’s ready to tell you what he’s tried. Can you help him find the way back to fun?

The State Of Standard And The Modern Months Ahead

Brennan bids 2017 Standard farewell and talks all things Modern in his quest to gain format mastery!

The Final Countdown

Break out the cheesy 1980s synthesizer riffs, because it’s the final countdown to the SCG Season Two Invitational! Brennan DeCandio gives his last thoughts before he takes his swing at the $20,000 top prize!

Magic: The Gathering Arena…Doomed From The Start

Brennan DeCandio is not particularly sanguine about Magic: The Gathering Arena’s chances. He tells why he chooses to play the game on Magic Online…and why he thinks it’s about to break his heart again.