AuthorBen Swartz

Ben Swartz won the 2011 Legacy Open in Seattle using Hive Mind combo. He has since been immortalized as Twitch's NotLikeThis emote thanks to his work at the streaming juggernaut.

Remembering Gadiel Szleifer

The Pro Tour Champion is remembered by one of his dearest friends in Magic.

Unplugged – SCG Seattle Legacy Open *1st*

Ben Swartz took down the finals of the Legacy finals in Seattle with Hive Mind, proving that this deck is anything but a passing fad. Read his report and the wild stories from the Open.

Heading to Japan?

Monday, November 29th – Magic players love traveling to Japan, one of the major Grand Prix hot spots, not to mention the locale of Worlds 2010. If you plan to make the trip, you best take Ben’s advice with you! Don’t get stranded onegai.