Ben Bleiweiss

AuthorBen Bleiweiss

Ben has been involved for over 20 years with Magic, including two tenures as a weekly columnist for WotC, eight Pro Tour appearances, providing coverage for the Pro Tour, and being a financial expert on Magic values. Ben started as an employee at SCG in 2003 as a card buyer and is now the General Manager.

Deal of the Week: Adopt-A-Pro!

Have you noticed that this week’s Deal of the Week? We’re selling all Pro Player cards for only $.10 each. That’s right, you can buy a Pro for just a shiny dime! Don’t you want to bring love to an unloved Pro? If so, read inside!

Ben Takes On The Great Designer Search, Part 2: Pictures and Holes

Ten pictures and ten holes. This is what Wizards gave their contestants this week for the Great Designer Search. Ben takes his shot at this challenge, for great justice!

*Disclaimer* If you are a Wizards of the Coast Employee, you have full permission to use the cards and ideas contained in this article, without further obligation.

The Great Designer Search: Ben Takes His Shot

Ben has decided to play along with the Great Designer Search from MagicTheGathering.com. *DISCLAIMER* If you are a Wizards of the Coast employee, Ben gives you full legal permission to use any of the ideas and cards contained in this article.

Ben Bleiweiss’s Guide to Everything Time Spiral, Part 3 (Black)

Ben continues his review of Time Spiral with Black. Unlike other set reviews, Ben’s unique look at Time Spiral includes a history of Charms, a spat over a cat, and a review of the most phallic piece of Magic artwork in years. You already know that Smallpox and Sudden Death are great cards – come learn about the rest of Time Spiral in today’s article!

Ben Bleiweiss’s Guide to Everything Time Spiral, Part 2 (Blue)

Ben continues with his all-access look at Time Spiral. In today’s article, he focuses on the Blue cards in the set. Which Blue card does Ben think will be banned in Extended? How do you accurately cost a creature? When is breaking the color pie good, and when is it bad? Find out in today’s article!

[Part 1: White]

Ben Bleiweiss’s Guide to Everything Time Spiral, Part 1 (White)

Tired of the traditional set review? Ben Bleiweiss’s Guide to Everything Time Spiral is a look not only at the strategic value of Time Spiral, but the relation of Time Spiral to the history of Magic, to the Magic community, and to the hot-topic issues of Magic.

The Financial Value of Time Spiral

Pre-Order Time Spiral Today!

This article is spoiler heavy! If you do not want to know about Time Spiral before your prerelease, please don’t read this article until Sunday night!

A StarCityGames.com Exclusive Time Spiral Preview: Ancestral Vision!

Pre-Order Time Spiral Today!StarCityGames.com is proud to present Ancestral Vision from Time Spiral! Do you like drawing three cards for only a single Blue mana? If you do, you absolutely, must check out this card immediately! What are you waiting for? Come take a look at the most broken card-drawing spell in years, only at StarCityGames.com!

Ben’s Corner: A Ton of StarCityGames.com News!

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve filled you all in on the latest StarCityGames.com news! What’s been going on lately? We’ve redone our entire pricing structure on singles (did you know that Standard commons now start at $.10 each?), and our new E-bay division has put hundreds of Foreign cards up for auction! Read all the details, our $6 buy price on Troll Ascetic, plus an exciting announcement about next week’s Deal of the Day, only at Ben’s Corner!

Selecting 10th Edition – Fallen Angel!

Nobody likes a scab, right? Well, why vote for that scab doing the other Selecting 10th article or his scab card Nantuko Husk? He crossed the picket line buddy! Up with Angel! Down with Scabs!

Selecting 10th Edition – Dragons!

This week, Wizards of the Coast has given the community a chance to select one of eleven dragons for Selecting 10th Edition. I give you the straight rundown on each of the contenders, including the order they will finish in the vote, and the order they should finish in the vote, all things considered.

The Top Coldsnap Cards To Trade For!

The Top Coldsnap Cards to Trade For!Getting ready to head out to the Coldsnap Prerelease tomorrow? First, take a look at the cards that Ben says will be hot, and those that will not. It’ll be a long, cold winter tomorrow if you don’t go prepared with Ben’s Guide of the Top Coldsnap Cards!

Selecting 10th Edition: Empyrial Plate!

Oh, who am I kidding? Loxodon Warhammer is going to win this vote. In fact, this is the first Selecting 10th Edition vote where I’d bet a testicle against money on one card winning over the other. Plus, wouldn’t you rather be reading my premium article for today? The one about Coldsnap? Let’s see how many hits this article gets, when you have no clue what it’s about ahead of time!

Plus: The results of my Psychatog in Standard contest!

Selecting 10th Edition: Troll Ascetic!

Troll Ascetic is one of the finest Green creatures ever printed. Ravenous Baloth is also one of the finest Green creatures ever printed. Why should you vote Troll over Baloth? The answer, my friends, is freedom of design constraint. Read on!

Selecting 10th Edition: Auriok Champion!

Did you know that StarCityGames.com has fielded a company softball team this year? It’s true! Our sixteen-man squad has endured early hardships, but we have been improving with every game and now stand on the cusp of victory. What does this have to do with Auriok Champion? Read on to find out!